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Default button property in winform app

I have a form that takes user input and then let the user get connected to the sql server. This is happening on button click.But where can I set the property Default button so that the user when clicks enter do the work of that button.

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Srivastava Avatar asked Nov 25 '10 19:11


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4 Answers

It is called AcceptButton now on the form; set that to the button that will be the default button.
Refer to Form.AcceptButton Property

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BeemerGuy Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09


I think you want the "AcceptButton" property at the FORM level... That will expose a combobox of available controls on your form, then select your "button" you want to use as the "Default" button on enter.

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DRapp Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09


I have noticed severally how there is a mix up when it comes to an active button and an accept button. I just came out of it. So, I just thought I add a little option to the answers already given. Obviously, the best answer is;

this.AcceptButton = AcceptButton;

However, if you wish to have the button as an active control, this is what you do;

this.ActiveControl = OkButton;

details: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.windows.forms.containercontrol.activecontrol?view=netcore-3.1

I hope it is helpful to anyone searching.

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mw509 Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 12:09


In addition to Form.AcceptButton property the "OK" button must have the TabOrder property set to 0 and all other controls within the form should have a TabOrder >0.

This can be done using a form resouce contruction kit or by code eg. buttonOK.TabOrder = 0;

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walterV Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09
