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Decoding RTP payload as H264 using wireshark

I am streaming a RTSP video from vlc on windows to ipad app. And I capture packets in wireshark. I can see RTP packets in wireshark and also the RTP header fields like payload type, timestamp, sequence number. My question is, is it possible to decode the RTP payload as H264 NAL units. Currently I can only see the bytes in payload.

like image 826
innocodes Avatar asked Oct 02 '14 15:10


1 Answers

You need to configure Wireshark to understand that the RTP dynamic payload type maps to H264.

To do this, use the menu; Edit->Preferences->Protocols->H264

Set H264 dynamic payload types to the value shown in the RTP decode for the payload type.

like image 125
Len Holgate Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 20:11

Len Holgate