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How to wrap H264 into a mp4 container?





I have a program generating a bunch of raw H264 frames and would like to place that into a mp4 container for streaming.

Anyone know how to do that?

I was thinking I'd use ffmpeg however, this needs to be used commercially and it seems like ffmpeg can only do this through it's x264 library... which uses a GPL license.

Thank you!

like image 862
mczarnek Avatar asked Jan 21 '14 15:01


2 Answers

If you're looking for the FFMPEG command line to do that, then try the following:

ffmpeg -i "source.h264" -c:v copy -f mp4 "myOutputFile.mp4"

If you have a separate audio file you can add it too:

ffmpeg -i "source.h264" -i "myAudio" -c:v copy -c:a copy -f mp4 "myOutputFile.mp4"

If your audio needs to be encoded as well (for instance codec AAC-LC, bitrate 256kbps):

ffmpeg -i "source.h264" -i "myAudio" -c:v copy -c:a aac -b:a 256k -strict -2 -f mp4 "myOutputFile.mp4"
like image 112
AJ29 Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 15:10


libmp4v2 is under the MPL and can be used as part of a larger work commercially. It is much lighter than libavformat also.

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szatmary Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 13:10
