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Decimal number regular expression, where digit after decimal is optional



People also ask

Which method we will use to ignore the values after decimal?

The Math. trunc() is the most popular method to remove the decimal part of JavaScript. It takes positive, negative, or float numbers as an input and returns the integer part after removing the decimal part. For example, when we give an input of 5.45, it returns 5 only, and for the input of -5.45, it returns -5 only.

How do you set the number of decimal places?

Select the cells that you want to format. On the Home tab, click Increase Decimal or Decrease Decimal to show more or fewer digits after the decimal point.

Can decimal data type store decimal values?

Note: The decimal data type is suitable for storing currency data where the required range of values or number of digits to the right of the decimal point exceeds the capacities of the money data type. For display purposes, a currency sign cannot be specified for decimal values.

Use the following:

  • ^ - Beginning of the line;
  • \d* - 0 or more digits;
  • \.? - An optional dot (escaped, because in regex, . is a special character);
  • \d* - 0 or more digits (the decimal part);
  • $ - End of the line.

This allows for .5 decimal rather than requiring the leading zero, such as 0.5


One or more digits (\d+), optional period (\.?), zero or more digits (\d*).

Depending on your usage or regex engine you may need to add start/end line anchors:


Regular expression visualization

Debuggex Demo

You need a regular expression like the following to do it properly:


The same expression with whitespace, using the extended modifier (as supported by Perl):

/^  [+-]? ( (\d+ (\.\d*)?)  |  (\.\d+) ) $/x

or with comments:

/^           # Beginning of string
 [+-]?       # Optional plus or minus character
 (           # Followed by either:
   (           #   Start of first option
     \d+       #   One or more digits
     (\.\d*)?  #   Optionally followed by: one decimal point and zero or more digits
   )           #   End of first option
   |           # or
   (\.\d+)     #   One decimal point followed by one or more digits
 )           # End of grouping of the OR options
 $           # End of string (i.e. no extra characters remaining)
 /x          # Extended modifier (allows whitespace & comments in regular expression)

For example, it will match:

  • 123
  • 23.45
  • 34.
  • .45
  • -123
  • -273.15
  • -42.
  • -.45
  • +516
  • +9.8
  • +2.
  • +.5

And will reject these non-numbers:

  • . (single decimal point)
  • -. (negative decimal point)
  • +. (plus decimal point)
  • (empty string)

The simpler solutions can incorrectly reject valid numbers or match these non-numbers.

Try this regex:


\d+ digits before optional decimal
.? optional decimal(optional due to the ? quantifier)
\d* optional digits after decimal

this matches all requirements:


I ended up using the following:


This makes the following invalid:
