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Debug Break on Win32 Api functions

I would like to have a break on the SetTimer function in order to see which components register what timers with what values. Is this possible?

like image 736
ronag Avatar asked Jun 20 '10 19:06


People also ask

What does breakpoint do in debugging?

A breakpoint helps to speed up the debugging process in a large program by allowing the execution to continue up to a desired point before debugging begins. This is more efficient than stepping through the code on a line-by-line basis.

1 Answers

Yes, you can do this. First make sure you have public symbols setup for your debugger.

SetTimer lives in user32 but that is just what it is exported as. The easiest way to do this is with the command line debugger, NTSD. We need its real name, so look for symbols in user32 that match:

0:000> x user32!*timer*
759992b9 USER32!NtUserValidateTimerCallback = <no type information>
759977d5 USER32!NtUserSetTimer = <no type information>
759e4f13 USER32!NtUserSetSystemTimer = <no type information>
759993bf USER32!NtUserKillTimer = <no type information>

Ah-ha! Its debug symbol is NtUserSetTimer:

0:000> bp user32!NtUserSetTimer

In Visual Studio, you can figure out where SetTimer lives by writting a simple scratch program and then setting a breakpoint and right clicking and selecting "Go to Disassembly":

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
  SetTimer(NULL, 0, 0, NULL);
004113BE  mov         esi,esp 
004113C0  push        0    
004113C2  push        0    
004113C4  push        0    
004113C6  push        0    
004113C8  call        dword ptr [__imp__SetTimer@16 (418338h)] 

If we step into that call, then we land here:

759977D5  mov         eax,123Dh 
759977DA  mov         edx,7FFE0300h 
759977DF  call        dword ptr [edx] 
759977E1  ret         10h  

So the to set a breakpoint there in Visual Studio, you have to use the context operator in the breakpoint. Select from the menus: Debug -> New Breakpoint -> Break at Function, then enter:

like image 86
i_am_jorf Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 22:10
