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DB::update laravel 5 raw query

I intend to use laravel db update which equivalent to sql.

update users set username = "admin", status = "active" where user_id = 1

This is the query I test to run. Any wrong?

$username = "admin";
$status = "active";

DB::update('update users set username = '  .$username. ',
status = '.$status.'  where user_id = ?' ,['1']);
like image 448
JohnnyCc Avatar asked Jun 15 '17 05:06


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2 Answers

You should update your query like :

Eloquent Query:


Fluent Query:


Hope this helps you

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AddWeb Solution Pvt Ltd Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 06:10

AddWeb Solution Pvt Ltd

The correct query would be

DB::update('update users set username = ? , status = ? where user_id = ?', ["admin" , "active" , 1]);


User::where('user_id', 1)->update( array('username'=>'admin', 'status'=>'active') );

Where "User" is the model name of "users" table.

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Anwar Khan Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 06:10

Anwar Khan