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Codeigniter Change loaded language

Currently i have a language loaded inside MY_Controller which extends CI_Controller. But inside a special page which controller (let's call it ABC controller) extends MY_Controller, I need to override the loaded language with another language. I tried loading another language inside this ABC controller, but unsuccessful. Is there a way to unload the loaded language and load another language?

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coder Avatar asked Sep 27 '11 01:09


3 Answers

an easier way is to reset the language data and is_loaded

$this->lang->is_loaded = array();
$this->lang->language = array();
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Damian Dennis Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 11:10

Damian Dennis

I know it's a bit late to answer this but I think you can change the config item 'language' dynamically based on page requirement.

$this->config->set_item('language', 'chinese');
$this->config->set_item('language', 'english'); // based on the language folder of course holding language files

I had a requirement to send newsletters in users base lang, and this helped me change the language on the fly, hope this might help..

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Anupam Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 13:10


Have you tried just loading the language file you need?

$this->lang->load('filename', 'language');

It should be then accessible just like your default language. I haven't tested this tho, but from my understanding this should be the way to go about it.

Reference: http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/libraries/language.html


I ended up digging a bit more for you, and found that you CANNOT load a default language (define it as default in your controller) and then later try to change it to something else.

Follow these steps:

  • If you need a language OTHER than english (default), set that in your config.
  • If you want to load ANOTHER language on a controller basis, you need to define that (most commonly in your constructor using something like session array / user selection.
  • You cannot load 2 languages (1 in the constructor, then another in a different class.. won't work!)

Reference here per forum posts: http://codeigniter.com/forums/viewthread/176223/

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Jakub Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 11:10
