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DbUnit: NoSuchColumnException and case sensitivity

Before posting this I googled a bit, I looked for in dbunit-user archives and a bit also in DbUnit bug list, but I'm not found what looking for. Unfortunately, answers here did not help me either.

I'm using DbUnit 2.4.8 with MySQL 5.1.x to populate in setUp some JForum tables. The issue is first appearing on jforum_users table created by this script

CREATE TABLE `jforum_users` (
       `user_id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
       `user_active` TINYINT(1) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
       `username` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
       `user_password` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
       PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`)

Executing REFRESH as database setup operation the following exception is raised.

org.dbunit.dataset.NoSuchColumnException: jforum_users.USER_ID -
(Non-uppercase input column: USER_ID) in ColumnNameToIndexes cache
map. Note that the map's column names are NOT case sensitive.
       at org.dbunit.dataset.AbstractTableMetaData.getColumnIndex(AbstractTableMetaData.java:117)
       at org.dbunit.operation.AbstractOperation.getOperationMetaData(AbstractOperation.java:89)
       at org.dbunit.operation.RefreshOperation.execute(RefreshOperation.java:98)
       at org.dbunit.AbstractDatabaseTester.executeOperation(AbstractDatabaseTester.java:190)
       at org.dbunit.AbstractDatabaseTester.onSetup(AbstractDatabaseTester.java:103)
       at net.jforum.dao.generic.AbstractDaoTest.setUpDatabase(AbstractDaoTest.java:43)

I looked in AbstractTableMetaData.java sources and nothing seems -statically- wrong. The method

private Map createColumnIndexesMap(Column[] columns)



in writing map keys. And then the method

public int getColumnIndex(String columnName)


String columnNameUpperCase = columnName.toUpperCase();
Integer colIndex = (Integer) this._columnsToIndexes.get(columnNameUpperCase);

to read object from the map.

I really can't undestand what's going on... Anybody can help me please?

Edit after last @limc answer

I'm using a PropertiesBasedJdbcDatabaseTester to configure my DbUnit env, as follow:

Properties dbProperties = new Properties();
dbProperties.load(new FileInputStream(testConfDir+"/db.properties"));

databaseTester = new PropertiesBasedJdbcDatabaseTester();

IDataSet dataSet = getDataSet();

like image 898
Giorgio Vespucci Avatar asked Feb 02 '11 16:02

Giorgio Vespucci

1 Answers

I had a similar problem to this today (using the IDatabaseTester interface added in v2.2 against MySQL) and spent several hours tearing my hair out over it. The OP is using a PropertiesBasedJdbcDatabaseTester, whilst I was using its 'parent' JdbcDatabaseTester.

DBUnit has a FAQ answer related to this NoSuchColumnException (specific to MySQL) but it looks like an oversight to me that it neglects to mention that each connection drawn from the interface's getConnection() method will have separate config. In fact I'd go so far as to call it bug given the wording of the various bits of doco I looked at today and the names of the classes involved (eg. DatabaseConfig, yet per Connection?).

Anyway, in sections of code like setup/teardown (example below) you don't even provide the Connection object so there's no way I could see to set the config in there.


In the end I just extended JdbcDatabaseTester to @Override the getConnection() method and inject the configuration specific to MySQL each time:

class MySQLJdbcDatabaseTester extends org.dbunit.JdbcDatabaseTester {
  public MySQLJdbcDatabaseTester(String driverClass, String connectionUrl, String username, String password,
                                 String schema) throws ClassNotFoundException {
    super(driverClass, connectionUrl, username, password, schema);

  public IDatabaseConnection getConnection() throws Exception {
    IDatabaseConnection connection = super.getConnection();
    DatabaseConfig dbConfig = connection.getConfig();
    dbConfig.setProperty(DatabaseConfig.PROPERTY_DATATYPE_FACTORY, new MySqlDataTypeFactory());
    dbConfig.setProperty(DatabaseConfig.PROPERTY_METADATA_HANDLER, new MySqlMetadataHandler());
    return connection;

And finally all the errors went away.

like image 91
Greg Pendlebury Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 12:09

Greg Pendlebury