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Why does Java have such a large footprint?

Java - or at least Sun's Hotspot JVM - has long had a reputation for having a very large memory footprint. What exactly is it about the JVM that gives it this reputation? I'd be interested in a detailed breakdown: how much memory goes to the runtime (the JIT? the GC/memory management? the classloader?) anything related to "auxiliary" APIs like JNI/JVMTI? the standard libraries? (which parts get how much?) any other major components?

I realize that this may not be straightforward to answer without a concrete application plus VM configuration, so just to narrow things down at least somewhat: I'm primarily interested in default/typical VM configurations, and in a baseline console "Hello world" app as well as any real-world desktop or server app. (I'm suspecting that a substantial part of the JVM's footprint is largely independent of the app itself, and it is in this part that I'd like to zoom in, ideally.)

I have a couple of other closely related questions:

  • Other similar technology, such as .NET/mono, don't exhibit nearly the same footprint. Why is this the case?

  • I've read somewhere on the intarwebs that a large portion of the footprint is due simply to the size of the standard libraries. If this is the case, then why is so much of the standard libraries being loaded up front?

  • Are there any efforts (JSRs, whatever) to tame the memory footprint? The closest thing I've come across is a project to reduce the on-disk footprint of the JVM.

  • I'm sure that the footprint has varied over the past decade or so with every new version of Java. Are there any specific numbers/charts chronicling precisely how much the JVM's footprint has changed?

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Yang Avatar asked Jul 10 '09 06:07


People also ask

What causes large memory footprint in Java?

In certain cases, the server's chosen defaults leads to larger memory footprint than what is required to run your applications. If the server selected defaults does not suit your needs, the memory usage of the server can be changed by specifying the values in server.

What is footprint in Java?

In a Java program, the memory footprint is predominantly made up of the runtime environment in the form of Java virtual machine (JVM) itself that is loaded indirectly when a Java application launches.

How do I reduce memory footprint in Java?

Set the Heap Size The most obvious place to start tuning the memory footprint is the Java heap size. If you reduce the Java heap size by a certain amount you will reduce the memory footprint of the Java process by the same amount. You can however not reduce the Java heap size infinitely.

How many memories are there in Java?

There are two kinds of memory used in Java. These are called stack memory and heap memory. Stack memory stores primitive types and the addresses of objects. The object values are stored in heap memory.

1 Answers

Some initiatives:

  • Since 1.5 class data sharing can be used;
  • Java 6 update 14 brought in compressed oops which reduces the footprint of 64-bit JVMs with under 4GB of Heap.
like image 89
Robert Munteanu Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09

Robert Munteanu