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DBCP Connection Pool loginTimeout

According to the DBCP Document, BasicDataSource does not support setLoginTimeout(). My question is then how do I set a LoginTimeout for the creation of Connection objects? I know I can set maxWait on the pool, but my understanding is that that'll only be used for when the pool is exhausted and you're waiting for an existing connection to free up. It will not save me from the situation where a new connection needs to be created, but the connection/login into the DB hangs.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

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RAY Avatar asked Jul 03 '12 08:07


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1 Answers

Well there is always an option to add correct parameter to the URL. Depending on which DB you are using you can add one of the parameters in JDBC url.

Here is the link that confirms that BasicDataSource does not support loginTimeout

And at the bottom of this blog There is a table which lists URL parameters for connection timeouts.

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Sap Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 08:10
