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How do i repeat last sql command executed in sqlite command line?

I am using android sqlite3 command line tool. How do I repeat the last command that I executed (similar to the / in sqlplus)? Tried up arrow and . - both didnt work. I am on Mac :(

like image 563
bschandramohan Avatar asked Feb 25 '11 09:02


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Check the list of dot commands by using the ". help" at anytime. For example: Sqlite> .

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You can terminate the sqlite3 program by typing your systems End-Of-File character (usually a Control-D). Use the interrupt character (usually a Control-C) to stop a long-running SQL statement.

1 Answers

I now fall into the same problem.

When I type up, it prints ^[[A.

when I type left, it prints ^[[D. And it is similar to down and right

And I found this question( Sqlite using command line) and solove it.

First, rename the sqlite3 to sqlite3_bak in android tools to make it disable, or you can directly remove it, if you can make sure you will not use it again.

Second, download the "autoconf" source from http://www.sqlite.org/download.html (second link, currently to http://www.sqlite.org/sqlite-autoconf-3071502.tar.gz ):

then cd to the decompressed directory and compile it via the terminal

$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

Third, put your "new sqlite3 binary" to /opt/local/bin directory or set a soft-link to this file. And source your .bash_profile or .bashrc.

like image 115
pktangyue Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 03:10
