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Datepicker angular directive for Bootstrap not showing

In my Angular project I am trying to use the Angular directives for bootstrap datepicker, but it isn't showing up.

I've linked to <script src="bower_components/angular-bootstrap/ui-bootstrap.js"></script> and <script src="bower_components/angular-bootstrap/ui-bootstrap-tpls.js"></script> in my index.html and in my app.js I've put ui.bootstrap as a dependency.

    .module('myApp', ['ui.bootstrap'])

Is there anything obvious I am missing?

I am trying to use uib-datepicker-popup within a ng-switch within a ng-repeat, but I don't see why that would cause any problem:

<div class="form-group" ng-repeat="field in vm.fields">
    <label for="{{ field.propertyName }}">
        <h5><span translate="{{ field.translate }}"></span>
            <span class="form-control-required" ng-show="{{field.required}}">*</span>
    <div ng-switch="field.type" ng-class="{ 'input-group': field.type === 'date' }">
        <select ng-switch-when="gender"
                name="{{ field.propertyName }}" id="{{ field.propertyName }}"
                ng-model="vm.model[field.propertyName]" class="form-control"
                ng-required="{{ field.required }}">
            <option value="m">Male</option>
            <option value="f">Female</option>
        <textarea ng-switch-when="textarea"
                  name="{{ field.propertyName }}" id="{{ field.propertyName }}"
                  class="form-control" ng-model="vm.model[field.propertyName]"
                  ng-required="{{ field.required }}"></textarea>
        <input ng-switch-when="date"
               type="date" uib-datepicker-popup="dd/MM/yyyy" 
               show-weeks="false" is-open="vm.datePickerOpen"
               name="{{ field.propertyName }}" id="{{ field.propertyName }}"
               class="form-control pull-left" ng-model="vm.model[field.propertyName]"
               ng-required="{{ field.required }}">
        <span class="input-group-btn btn-" ng-if="field.type === 'date'">
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" 
                <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i>
        <input ng-switch-default=""
               type="{{ field.type }}" name="{{ field.propertyName }}" id="{{ field.propertyName }}"
               class="form-control pull-left" ng-model="vm.model[field.propertyName]"
               ng-required="{{ field.required }}">

And in my controller:

vm.datePickerOpen = false;

vm.openDatePicker = function($event) {
    vm.datePickerOpen = true;
like image 624
dhuyvetter Avatar asked Oct 14 '15 08:10


1 Answers

Apperently the documentation on https://angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap/#/datepicker is for a newer version. By changing uib-datepicker-popup to datepicker-popup it worked.

Also I had to change <input type="date" datepicker-popup> to <input type="text" datepicker-popup> because of this: Is there any way to change input type="date" format?

It is working now. The documentation on Angular directives for bootstrap should mention from what version to use the uib-datepicker and where datepicker is applicable.

like image 97
dhuyvetter Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 16:10
