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Datatables get raw data from table

How can I get the raw data from my datatables table. The docs say to use


But this returns a complicated javascript object. I just want the raw data.

like image 554
pguardiario Avatar asked Sep 04 '17 05:09


People also ask

How to get data from DataTable js?

You can use rows(). data() to get the data for the selected rows.

HOW CAN GET row column value from DataTable in jquery?

click(function (){ var dataArr = []; var rowCount = table. rows('. selected'). data().

2 Answers

This might be the solution to your question.

like image 161
HelloWorld Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 03:10


table.rows().data() return ALL DataTable's data... But what you wish to have probably is what's visible in the rows only.

So delete the properties you do not want, which may be:

  1. context ← This one is particularly big!
  2. length
  3. selector
  4. ajax

And what will be left is what is displayed, row by row.

A CodePen to play with...

// Directly from the example found here: https://datatables.net/examples/data_sources/js_array.html

var dataSet = [
  [ "Tiger Nixon", "System Architect", "Edinburgh", "5421", "2011/04/25", "$320,800" ],
  [ "Garrett Winters", "Accountant", "Tokyo", "8422", "2011/07/25", "$170,750" ],
  [ "Ashton Cox", "Junior Technical Author", "San Francisco", "1562", "2009/01/12", "$86,000" ],
  [ "Cedric Kelly", "Senior Javascript Developer", "Edinburgh", "6224", "2012/03/29", "$433,060" ],
  [ "Airi Satou", "Accountant", "Tokyo", "5407", "2008/11/28", "$162,700" ],
  [ "Brielle Williamson", "Integration Specialist", "New York", "4804", "2012/12/02", "$372,000" ],
  [ "Herrod Chandler", "Sales Assistant", "San Francisco", "9608", "2012/08/06", "$137,500" ],
  [ "Rhona Davidson", "Integration Specialist", "Tokyo", "6200", "2010/10/14", "$327,900" ],
  [ "Colleen Hurst", "Javascript Developer", "San Francisco", "2360", "2009/09/15", "$205,500" ],
  [ "Sonya Frost", "Software Engineer", "Edinburgh", "1667", "2008/12/13", "$103,600" ],
  [ "Jena Gaines", "Office Manager", "London", "3814", "2008/12/19", "$90,560" ],
  [ "Quinn Flynn", "Support Lead", "Edinburgh", "9497", "2013/03/03", "$342,000" ],
  [ "Charde Marshall", "Regional Director", "San Francisco", "6741", "2008/10/16", "$470,600" ],
  [ "Haley Kennedy", "Senior Marketing Designer", "London", "3597", "2012/12/18", "$313,500" ],
  [ "Tatyana Fitzpatrick", "Regional Director", "London", "1965", "2010/03/17", "$385,750" ],
  [ "Michael Silva", "Marketing Designer", "London", "1581", "2012/11/27", "$198,500" ],
  [ "Paul Byrd", "Chief Financial Officer (CFO)", "New York", "3059", "2010/06/09", "$725,000" ],
  [ "Gloria Little", "Systems Administrator", "New York", "1721", "2009/04/10", "$237,500" ],
  [ "Bradley Greer", "Software Engineer", "London", "2558", "2012/10/13", "$132,000" ],
  [ "Dai Rios", "Personnel Lead", "Edinburgh", "2290", "2012/09/26", "$217,500" ],
  [ "Jenette Caldwell", "Development Lead", "New York", "1937", "2011/09/03", "$345,000" ],
  [ "Yuri Berry", "Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)", "New York", "6154", "2009/06/25", "$675,000" ],
  [ "Caesar Vance", "Pre-Sales Support", "New York", "8330", "2011/12/12", "$106,450" ],
  [ "Doris Wilder", "Sales Assistant", "Sidney", "3023", "2010/09/20", "$85,600" ],
  [ "Angelica Ramos", "Chief Executive Officer (CEO)", "London", "5797", "2009/10/09", "$1,200,000" ],
  [ "Gavin Joyce", "Developer", "Edinburgh", "8822", "2010/12/22", "$92,575" ],
  [ "Jennifer Chang", "Regional Director", "Singapore", "9239", "2010/11/14", "$357,650" ],
  [ "Brenden Wagner", "Software Engineer", "San Francisco", "1314", "2011/06/07", "$206,850" ],
  [ "Fiona Green", "Chief Operating Officer (COO)", "San Francisco", "2947", "2010/03/11", "$850,000" ],
  [ "Shou Itou", "Regional Marketing", "Tokyo", "8899", "2011/08/14", "$163,000" ],
  [ "Michelle House", "Integration Specialist", "Sidney", "2769", "2011/06/02", "$95,400" ],
  [ "Suki Burks", "Developer", "London", "6832", "2009/10/22", "$114,500" ],
  [ "Prescott Bartlett", "Technical Author", "London", "3606", "2011/05/07", "$145,000" ],
  [ "Gavin Cortez", "Team Leader", "San Francisco", "2860", "2008/10/26", "$235,500" ],
  [ "Martena Mccray", "Post-Sales support", "Edinburgh", "8240", "2011/03/09", "$324,050" ],
  [ "Unity Butler", "Marketing Designer", "San Francisco", "5384", "2009/12/09", "$85,675" ]

$(document).ready(function() {
  var table = $('#example').DataTable( {
    data: dataSet,
    columns: [
      { title: "Name" },
      { title: "Position" },
      { title: "Office" },
      { title: "Extn." },
      { title: "Start date" },
      { title: "Salary" }
  } );
  //======================================================== END copy paste from the example.
  var data = table.rows().data();
  delete data.context;
  //delete data.length;   // Do not delete this one! Needed for the loop below.
  delete data.selector;
  delete data.ajax;
  console.log( JSON.stringify(data) );
  // Make the resulting "striped" object an array.
  var dataAsArray = [];
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="//cdn.datatables.net/1.10.16/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js"></script>
<link href="//cdn.datatables.net/1.10.16/css/jquery.dataTables.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>

<table id="example" class="display" width="100%"></table>
like image 21
Louys Patrice Bessette Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 05:10

Louys Patrice Bessette