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Django Ajax return error messages

How would i return error message with django? I am thinking something like this ( i am using jsonresponse just as an example of how i want to do this):

def test(request):
if request.method == "POST":
    if form.is_valid():
      return JsonResponse({"message":"Successfully published"})
         '''here i would like to return error something like:'''
        return JsonResponse({"success": false, "error": "there was an error"})
    return JsonResponse({"success}: false, "error": "Request method is not post"})

What I am trying to achieve is to render error messages in template from ajax error function. Something like this:

$("#form").on("submit", function(){
        $.ajax({url: "url",
                data: ("#form").serialize,
               success: function(data){
               error: function(data){

Would that be possible?

like image 917
zzbil Avatar asked May 05 '17 14:05


2 Answers

You can of course return error messages from your Django App. But you have to define what type of error you want to return. For this purpose you'll have to use error codes.

The most known are 404 for page not found or 500 for a server error. You can also have 403 for a forbidden access... It depends of the case you want to treat. You can see the wikipedia page for a view of the possibilities.

Instead of sending a 'success':False use this :

response = JsonResponse({"error": "there was an error"})
response.status_code = 403 # To announce that the user isn't allowed to publish
return response

With this jQuery will recognize the answer as an error and you will be able to manage the error type.

To manage your errors in JavaScript :

$("#form").on("submit", function(){
        url: "url",
        data: ("#form").serialize,
        success: function(data){
        error: function(data){
           alert(data.status); // the status code
           alert(data.responseJSON.error); // the message
like image 175
Thibaut Guirimand Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 11:11

Thibaut Guirimand

Try this. I think there is a syntax error in your code. Also, it will be better if you post your error message. I changed the false to False

Also did you omit your form instance in your code.

def test(request):
    if request.method == "POST":
        form = MyForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            return JsonResponse({"message":"Successfully published"})
            '''here i would like to return error something like:'''
            return JsonResponse({"success": False, "error": "there was an error"})
        return JsonResponse({"success}: False, "error": "Request method is not post"})
like image 1
tushortz Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 11:11
