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Datatable vs Angular UI Grid vs Slick Grid vs Ag-Grid



I saw there are several flavours of grid. People recommends to use Angular UI Grid when the records are huge instead of Datatables.

I think the data table is populating each row 1 by 1 and causing the performance issue.

Is it not possible to fix the Data table performance issue similar to other grids?

How the angular UI grid works internally or other grids handles differently then the Data tables?


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Kathiresan Jeyapandian Avatar asked Jul 31 '17 07:07

Kathiresan Jeyapandian

People also ask

Which is best grid for Angular?

Generic UI Data Grid is one of the best free grid library. It greatly integrates with the best javascript framework there is Angular. All of that makes this library a great free to use Angular data table component. Generic UI datagrid has been released under the terms of the MIT License.

What is better than Ag grid?

The best alternative is DataTables, which is both free and Open Source. Other great apps like ag-Grid are Dash DataTable, Frappe DataTable, Webix DataTable and Essential JS 2 for JavaScript by Syncfusion. ag-Grid alternatives are mainly Spreadsheet Apps but may also be Code Editors.

What is Angular UI grid?

UI-Grid 3.0 (formerly ng-grid) is a 100% Angular grid written with no dependencies other than AngularJS. It is designed around a core grid module and features are layered as Angular modules and Directives. This keeps the core; small and focused, while executing very complex features only when you need them.

1 Answers

For reference, these are the sites:ag-Grid,ui-grid,slick-grid

we have More Info


DataTables Table plug-in for jQuery

DataTables is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a highly flexible tool, based upon the foundations of progressive enhancement, and will add advanced interaction controls to any HTML table.

Data Table


JavaScript Open-Source Spreadsheets and Data Grids

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Kondal Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 07:09
