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Eliminating duplicate rows in DataTables.net



Context: I have a web worker that "subscribes" to data updates from the back end via a websocket, which are then published to a view rendered via DataTables.net To increase efficiency, added data is pushed down the websocket as a partial record (ie. one row only).

Since the data is decoupled from the DataTable (ie. it's not using the Ajax API; it's basically a JavaScript source), I cannot just add the row and render the table. In the event that two pushes of the same row are triggered, I end up with duplicate rows.

So, I whipped up a little plugin:

$.fn.dataTable.Api.register('deDupe', function (dataSet, idColumn) {
  idColumn = idColumn || 0;
  var columnData = this.columns().data()[idColumn];

  for(var i=0; i < dataSet.length; i++) {
    var thisId = dataSet[i].id;
    var matchedIndex = columnData.indexOf(thisId);
    if(matchedIndex > -1) {
      var matchedRow = $(this.rows().nodes()[matchedIndex]);

  // return "this" for chaining
  return this;

(Don't laugh at me for taking comfort in old fashioned "for" loops!)

And then in usage, I do this:


The method that receives the data and then updates the table already has the incoming row, which is contained in "dataSet", and then I pass a COLUMN index for the column which is meant to contain the unique ID for de-duping purposes. Note that in code execution, rather than dropping an incoming duplicate, I am removing the previous row, then adding the incoming one. There are cases where the row contains updated data, and I really only care about de-duping at the ID level, not the contents level... always just blindly use the latest data.

So a few questions:

  1. Is there a better way of doing this? I would've loved to see a core option, but I didn't come across one. It seems like relatively common functionality. Am I crazy here, re-inventing the wheel? (in other words, an initialization option?)

  2. In the conditional checking if there's a match, you see this line: var matchedRow = $(this.rows().nodes()[matchedIndex]); This strikes me as wacky, but I couldn't get my head around the other ways of identifying a row to be used in the .remove() chain. In my mind, I already know the index of the row, so I thought something like matchedRow = this.rows(matchedIndex) would work, but I can't find that or something similar. So not only am I digging into rows().nodes() but then the whole thing is wrapped up in jQuery before then being passed into .row(matchedRow)'. It seems so heavily nested and wrapped for something I feel like I should already have direct access to.

Don't get me wrong; the code "works" and fixing it is probably a micro-optimization. But it strikes me as awfully convoluted and gives me some code smell, which I want to avoid for the sake of maintenance developers.

like image 981
Greg Pettit Avatar asked Dec 17 '18 21:12

Greg Pettit

1 Answers

As you said, this may be a micro-optimization, but an option may be to select all of the rows and remove them en toto.

$.fn.dataTable.Api.register('deDupe', function (dataSet, idColumn) {

  idColumn = idColumn || 0;

  // Get the possible dataSet ids into an array for easier lookup
  var dsIds = dataSet.map( (d) => d.id );

  // Use a function in the rows() API to obtain all rows with
  // a value in the idColumn that matches one of the incoming
  // ids on the dataSet
  var matchedRows = this.rows( (i,r) => dsIds.indexOf(r[idColumn]) > -1 );

  // Remove all of the rows at once (this could be chained to the selector above)

  // return "this" for chaining
  return this;

See row-selector:Function reference

like image 180
Forty3 Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 23:11
