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DataTable (like DataSet) component in Delphi

I am a Delphi developer and a C# Developer. C# has the DataTable class that supports random access to Rows. Is there a third-party TDataSet (Delphi) component that is like DataTable (C#)?

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MajidTaheri Avatar asked Dec 06 '22 15:12


2 Answers

There's TClientDataSet class in Delphi, which functionality is similar to DataSet in .NET.

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Dennis Avatar answered Dec 09 '22 05:12


You can use TADODataSet for a disconnected in-memory dataset as suggested by Ian. It is very powerful as opposed to TClientDataSet IMO.

But all the low level ADO stuff is not needed. it is simple as:

   ds: TADODataSet;

ds := TADODataSet.Create(nil);

//add our fields
ds.FieldDefs.Add('InvoiceNumber', ftInteger);
ds.FieldDefs.Add('CustomerName',  ftWideString, 200);
ds.FieldDefs.Add('CreatedDate',   ftDateTime);
ds.FieldDefs.Add('Comments',      ftWideMemo);
ds.FieldDefs.Add('Quantity',      ftFloat);
ds.FieldDefs.Add('InvoiceTotal',  ftCurrency);

//Add a row of values - the easy way
ds.FieldByName('InvoiceNumber').AsInteger := 1783;
ds.FieldByName('CustomerName').AsString   := 'Hubert Farnsworth';
ds.FieldByName('CreatedDate').AsDateTime  := Now;
ds.FieldByName('Comments').AsString       := 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog';
ds.FieldByName('Quantity').AsFloat        := 19809.32; //imperial gallons
ds.FieldByName('InvoiceTotal').AsCurrency := 99.95; //GBP

//Add another row of values - with an array of values all at once
ds.AppendRecord([1784, 'Steven Gates', Now, '//no comment', 1292, 19.25]);

You can also edit existing data:

ds.FieldByName('InvoiceNumber').AsInteger := 1786;

You can then use TDataSource to bind it to the TADODataSet and use data aware controls if needed linked to the TDataSource.

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kobik Avatar answered Dec 09 '22 05:12
