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Dataframe within dataframe?




Consider this example:

df <- data.frame(id=1:10,var1=LETTERS[1:10],var2=LETTERS[6:15])

fun.split <- function(x) tolower(as.character(x))
df$new.letters <- apply(df[ ,2:3],2,fun.split)


# [1] "id"          "var1"        "var2"        "new.letters"

#       var1 var2
# [1,]  "a"  "f" 
# [2,]  "b"  "g" 
# [3,]  "c"  "h" 
# [4,]  "d"  "i" 
# [5,]  "e"  "j" 
# [6,]  "f"  "k" 
# [7,]  "g"  "l" 
# [8,]  "h"  "m" 
# [9,]  "i"  "n" 
# [10,] "j"  "o" 

Would be someone so kind and explain what is going on here? A new dataframe within dataframe?

I expected this:

# id var1 var2 new.letters.var1 new.letters.var2
like image 840
Maximilian Avatar asked Jun 17 '15 15:06


People also ask

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3 Answers

@akrun solved 90% of my problem. But I had data.frames buried within data.frames, buried within data.frames and so on, without knowing the depth to which this was happening.

In this case, I thought sharing my recursive solution might be helpful to others searching this thread as I was:

    unnest_dataframes <- function(x) {

        y <- do.call(data.frame, x)

        if("data.frame" %in% sapply(y, class)) unnest_dataframes(y)



    new_data <- unnest_dataframes(df)

Although this itself sometimes has problems and it can be helpful to separate all columns of class "data.frame" from the original data set then cbind() it back together like so:

  # Find all columns that are data.frame
  # Assuming your data frame is stored in variable 'y'
  data.frame.cols <- unname(sapply(y, function(x) class(x) == "data.frame"))
  z <- y[, !data.frame.cols]

  # All columns of class "data.frame"
  dfs <- y[, data.frame.cols]

  # Recursively unnest each of these columns
  unnest_dataframes <- function(x) {
    y <- do.call(data.frame, x)
    if("data.frame" %in% sapply(y, class)) {
    } else {
        cat('Nested data.frames successfully unpacked\n')

  df2 <- unnest_dataframes(dfs)

  # Combine with original data
  all_columns <- cbind(z, df2)
like image 20
RDRR Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 08:10


The reason is because you assigned a single new column to a 2 column matrix output by apply. So, the result will be a matrix in a single column. You can convert it back to normal data.frame with

 do.call(data.frame, df)

A more straightforward method will be to assign 2 columns and I use lapply instead of apply as there can be cases where the columns are of different classes. apply returns a matrix and with mixed class, the columns will be 'character' class. But, lapply gets the output in a list and preserves the class

df[paste0('new.letters', names(df)[2:3])] <- lapply(df[2:3], fun.split)
like image 111
akrun Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 06:10


In this case R doesn't behave like one would expect but maybe if we dig deeper we can solve it. What is a data frame? as Norman Matloff says in his book (chapter 5):

a data frame is a list, with the components of that list being equal-length vectors

The following code might be useful to understand.

[1] "matrix"

'data.frame':   10 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ id         : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
 $ var1       : Factor w/ 10 levels "A","B","C","D",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
 $ var2       : Factor w/ 10 levels "F","G","H","I",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
 $ new.letters: chr [1:10, 1:2] "a" "b" "c" "d" ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. ..$ : NULL
  .. ..$ : chr  "var1" "var2"

Maybe the reason why it looks strange is in the print methods. Consider this:

[1] "var1" "var2"

maybe there must something in the print methods that combine the sub-names of objects and display them all.

For example here the vectors that constitute the df are:

[1] "id"          "var1"        "var2"        "new.letters"

but in this case the vector new.letters also has a dim attributes (in fact it is a matrix) were dimensions have names var1 and var1 too. See this code:

[1] 10  2


[1] "var1" "var2"

but when we print we see all of them like they were separated vectors (and so columns of the data.frame!).

Edit: Print methods

Just for curiosity in order to improve this question I looked inside the methods of the print functions:


The previous code produces a very long list of methods for the generic function print but there is no one for data.frame. The one that looks for data frame (but I am sure there is a more technically way to find out that) is listof.

getS3method("print", "listof")
function (x, ...) 
    nn <- names(x)
    ll <- length(x)
    if (length(nn) != ll) 
        nn <- paste("Component", seq.int(ll))
    for (i in seq_len(ll)) {
        cat(nn[i], ":\n")
        print(x[[i]], ...)
<bytecode: 0x101afe1c8>
<environment: namespace:base>

Maybe I am wrong but It seems to me that in this code there might be useful informations about why that happens, specifically when the if (length(nn) != ll) is stated.

like image 42
SabDeM Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 06:10
