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Database Design model a Customer, Cook, User relationship

I am very confused and I have read a lot on internet & SO but I cant figure out. In this design, scalability is an important task for me.

I am making a portal where people can offer to sell their food or can go to this portal to buy food.

I am thinking about following 3 options:

  1. Make 3 tables. User, Customer, Cook.
  2. Make 2 tables. User, Customer.
  3. Make 2 tables. Customer. Cook

I created a User table mostly for security because I dont want secret data to reside in Customer or Cook table.

Problem is that a Cook can also be a customer.

I am thinking of approach 1. How do I model it. Do I use recursive approach. Recursive approach works with Employee and Manager idea (standard textbook example) but it seems strange here.

In approach 2, I use 1 table and I do not differentiate between cook and customer. Not making this distinct, seems like a bad idea somehow.

Approach 3 is possible but I cant think in my mind, how it can work

A user table is like this:

enter image description here

A customer table is like this:

enter image description here

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orange14 Avatar asked Mar 09 '23 03:03


2 Answers

I recommend using the three table approach to separate data specific to each role.

  • The User table contains data that is common to both roles, such as the user's name.
  • The other two tables hold only role-specific data.

The relationships between User and Customer (or User and Cook) are one-to-zero-or-one. So for each User there may be a Customer or a Cook record, or both if the User fulfils both roles.

enter image description here

Diagram made here: https://app.quickdatabasediagrams.com/#/schema/t_JngpUcm0-w_dbnW3FzsA [Disclaimer: I work for QuickDatabaseDiagrams]

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TrevorJ Avatar answered Mar 15 '23 11:03


You can create one more column in user table "userType"[buyer/seller/both].This will help to know current user is acting as a buyer , seller or both. This will help to model system flow as well .

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sunil Avatar answered Mar 15 '23 13:03
