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Data signed on iOS can't be verified in Java

I have some data that I'm signing on iOS with SecKeyRawSign using Elliptic Curve private key. However, verifying that data in Java using Signature.verify() returns false

The data is a random 64 bit integer, split into bytes like so

uint64_t nonce = (some 64 bit integer)
NSData *nonceData = [NSData dataWithBytes: &nonce length: sizeof(nonce)];

From that data I'm creating a SHA256 digest

int digestLength = CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH;
uint8_t *digest = malloc(digestLength);
CC_SHA256(nonceData.bytes, (CC_LONG)nonceData.length, digest);
NSData *digestData = [NSData dataWithBytes:digest length:digestLength];

and then signing it with private key

size_t signedBufferSize = kMaxCipherBufferSize;
uint8_t *signedBuffer = malloc(kMaxCipherBufferSize);

OSStatus status = SecKeyRawSign(privateKeyRef,
                                (const uint8_t *)digestData.bytes,

NSData *signedData = nil;
if (status == errSecSuccess) {
    signedData = [NSData dataWithBytes:signedBuffer length:signedBufferSize];

Everything appears to work fine.

Then, in Java server, I'm trying to verify that signed data

PublicKey publicKey = (a public key sent from iOS, X509 encoded)

Long nonce = (64 bit integer sent from iOS)
String signedNonce = (base64 encoded signed data)

ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.BYTES);
byte[] nonceBytes = buffer.array();
byte[] signedNonceBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(signedNonce.getBytes());

Signature signer = Signature.getInstance( "SHA256withECDSA" );
signer.initVerify( publicKey );
signer.update( nonceBytes );
Boolean isVerified = signer.verify( signedNonceBytes );

At this point, signer.verify() returns false

I also tried to sign plain data, instead of SHA256 digest, but that doesn't work either.

What am I missing? Am I signing the data correctly? Am I using correct padding? Is there something else to be done with data to be able to verify it with SHA256withECDSA algorithm?

like image 901
mag_zbc Avatar asked May 21 '18 11:05


1 Answers

The byte ordering does not match:

  • iOS is little endian. The way you create nonceData, this order is retained.
  • On the Java side, ByteBuffer defaults to big endian, independent of the underlying operating system / hardware.

So you need to change the byte order:

ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.BYTES);
like image 72
Codo Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 09:11
