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Liquibase: diff always generates indexes

I'm using spring-boot with the liquibase-maven-plugin to generate database changes according to my classes, but the "mvn compile liquibase: diff" command always generates removals and inclusions of indexes and foreign keys even though the database is updated and has no change in the classes (and therefore should have no change in the database).

Anyone have any idea if this is right or how to avoid it? I want only the new changes to database to be generated in change sets of the Project.

like image 651
sammubr Avatar asked Sep 02 '17 23:09


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The Liquibase Spring Boot integration ensures the application database is updated along with the application code by using Spring Boot auto-configuration and features. To use Liquibase and Spring Boot: Install Maven and add it to your path. Ensure you have Java Development Kit (JDK 8, 11, or 16).

1 Answers

First of all, I think you are missing the liquibase-hibernate4 maven plugin.

From the project Readme.md:

This extension lets you use your Hibernate configuration as a comparison database for diff, diffChangeLog and generateChangeLog in Liquibase.

Which actually means that you can use it to compare the real database with your java entities in order to generate the new changelogs.

As the project wiki suggest, it's important to keep in mind that you need to take a look to the new changelogs and modify it manually if there is something wrong.

I also recommend you to read this article from Baeldung that explains that:

Your pom.xml should look like:


And your src/main/resources/liquibase.properties:

driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver #orYourDriver

Im not sure which persistence storage are you using but please be sure to use the correct drivers and datasource urls.

After configure it completely, you should be able to run mvn liquibase:diffChangeLog to generate the new changelogs.

like image 59
Ariel Kohan Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 23:11

Ariel Kohan