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Data input via shinyTable in R shiny application




I want to build a shiny app that gets matrix data as input and returns a table based on some operations on it as output. By search I find that ShinyTable package could be useful. I tried below shiny codes but the result app appears gray out and without result.

library(shinyTable) shiny::runApp(list(   ui=pageWithSidebar(     headerPanel('Simple matrixInput')     ,     sidebarPanel(       htable("tbl")       ,       submitButton("OK")     )     ,     mainPanel(        tableOutput(outputId = 'table.output')     ))   ,   server=function(input, output){     output$table.output <- renderTable({       input$tbl^2     }     , sanitize.text.function = function(x) x      )   } )) 

Any Idea?

like image 713
Mahmoud Avatar asked Mar 08 '14 17:03


People also ask

How do you add data to the Shiny app?

Your title asks about importing a data frame into shiny. That can be done by storing the data frame either as a binary file using the save() function or a csv file using write. csv() and having the shiny app read it in using load() for a binary file or read. csv() for a csv file.

Is R Shiny difficult?

Along with Shiny elements, you can use HTML elements to stylize your content in your application. In my opinion, R Shiny is very easy to learn despite how powerful the tool is. If you're working on a side project or looking to add something to your portfolio, I highly recommend trying it out.

What is the difference between R and R Shiny?

Shiny is an R package that makes it easy to build interactive web apps straight from R. You can host standalone apps on a webpage or embed them in R Markdown documents or build dashboards. You can also extend your Shiny apps with CSS themes, htmlwidgets, and JavaScript actions.

2 Answers

The shinyTable package has been greatly improved in the rhandsontable package.

Here is a minimal function that takes a data frame and runs a shiny app allowing to edit it and to save it in a rds file:

library(rhandsontable) library(shiny)  editTable <- function(DF, outdir=getwd(), outfilename="table"){   ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(      titlePanel("Edit and save a table"),     sidebarLayout(       sidebarPanel(         helpText("Shiny app based on an example given in the rhandsontable package.",                   "Right-click on the table to delete/insert rows.",                   "Double-click on a cell to edit"),          wellPanel(           h3("Table options"),           radioButtons("useType", "Use Data Types", c("TRUE", "FALSE"))         ),         br(),           wellPanel(           h3("Save"),            actionButton("save", "Save table")         )                ),        mainPanel(          rHandsontableOutput("hot")        )     )   ))    server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {      values <- reactiveValues()      ## Handsontable     observe({       if (!is.null(input$hot)) {         DF = hot_to_r(input$hot)       } else {         if (is.null(values[["DF"]]))           DF <- DF         else           DF <- values[["DF"]]       }       values[["DF"]] <- DF     })      output$hot <- renderRHandsontable({       DF <- values[["DF"]]       if (!is.null(DF))         rhandsontable(DF, useTypes = as.logical(input$useType), stretchH = "all")     })      ## Save      observeEvent(input$save, {       finalDF <- isolate(values[["DF"]])       saveRDS(finalDF, file=file.path(outdir, sprintf("%s.rds", outfilename)))     })    })    ## run app    runApp(list(ui=ui, server=server))   return(invisible()) } 

For example, take the following data frame:

> ( DF <- data.frame(Value = 1:10, Status = TRUE, Name = LETTERS[1:10],                     Date = seq(from = Sys.Date(), by = "days", length.out = 10),                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE) )    Value Status Name       Date 1      1   TRUE    A 2016-08-15 2      2   TRUE    B 2016-08-16 3      3   TRUE    C 2016-08-17 4      4   TRUE    D 2016-08-18 5      5   TRUE    E 2016-08-19 6      6   TRUE    F 2016-08-20 7      7   TRUE    G 2016-08-21 8      8   TRUE    H 2016-08-22 9      9   TRUE    I 2016-08-23 10    10   TRUE    J 2016-08-24 

Run the app and have fun (especially with the calendars ^^):

enter image description here

Edit the handsontable:

enter image description here

Click on the Save button. It saves the table in the file table.rds. Then read it in R:

> readRDS("table.rds")    Value Status    Name       Date 1   1000  FALSE Mahmoud 2016-01-01 2   2000  FALSE       B 2016-08-16 3      3  FALSE       C 2016-08-17 4      4   TRUE       D 2016-08-18 5      5   TRUE       E 2016-08-19 6      6   TRUE       F 2016-08-20 7      7   TRUE       G 2016-08-21 8      8   TRUE       H 2016-08-22 9      9   TRUE       I 2016-08-23 10    10   TRUE       J 2016-08-24 
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Stéphane Laurent Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 18:10

Stéphane Laurent

If you are looking for a solution that users can input their matrix data as in excel you could probably take a look at the package "shinySky" and more specifically to its component "Handsontable Input/Output". The relevant web address is: https://github.com/AnalytixWare/ShinySky.

Another similar solution would be the package shinyTable. You can find more information at https://github.com/trestletech/shinyTable

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Christos Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 17:10
