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Dartlang wait more than one future




I want to do something after a lot of future function done,bu I do not know how to write the code in dart? the code like this:

for (var d in data) {   d.loadData().then() } // when all loaded // do something here 

but I don't want to wait them one by one:

for (var d in data) {   await d.loadData(); // NOT NEED THIS } 

how to write those code in dart?

like image 824
bitnick Avatar asked Feb 11 '17 12:02


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How do you use the future in darts?

A future (lower case “f”) is an instance of the Future (capitalized “F”) class. A future represents the result of an asynchronous operation, and can have two states: uncompleted or completed. Note: Uncompleted is a Dart term referring to the state of a future before it has produced a value.

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wait<T> method Null safetyReturns a future which will complete once all the provided futures have completed, either with their results, or with an error if any of the provided futures fail.

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What is the difference between async and async* in Dart? The difference between both is that async* will always return a Stream and offer some syntax sugar to emit a value through the yield keyword. async gives you a Future and async* gives you a Stream.

How do you return the future object in Flutter?

There are two different ways to execute a Future and utilize the value it returns. If it returns any whatsoever. The most well-known way is to await on the Future to return. For everything to fall into work, your function that is calling the code must be checked async.

2 Answers

You can use Future.wait to wait for a list of futures:

import 'dart:async';  Future main() async {   var data = [];   var futures = <Future>[];   for (var d in data) {     futures.add(d.loadData());   }   await Future.wait(futures); } 

DartPad example

like image 134
Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 00:10

Günter Zöchbauer

Existing answer gives enough information, but I want to add a note/warning. As stated in the docs:

The value of the returned future will be a list of all the values that were produced in the order that the futures are provided by iterating futures.

So, that means that the example below will return 4 as the first element (index 0), and 2 as the second element (index 1).

import 'dart:async';  Future main() async {   print('start');    List<int> li = await Future.wait<int>([     fetchLong(),  // longer (which gives 4) is first     fetchShort(), // shorter (which gives 2) is second   ]);    print('results: ${li[0]} ${li[1]}'); // results: 4 2 }  Future<int> fetchShort() {   return Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 3), () {     print('Short!');     return 2;   }); }  Future<int> fetchLong() {   return Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 5), () {     print('Long!');     return 4;   }); } 
like image 25
Aleksandar Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 02:10
