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Add border to a Container with borderRadius in Flutter

Container(       child: Text(           'This is a Container',           textScaleFactor: 2,           style: TextStyle(color: Colors.black),       ),        decoration: BoxDecoration(           borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10),           color: Colors.white,           border: Border(               left: BorderSide(                   color: Colors.green,                   width: 3,               ),             ),           ),       height: 50,      ), 

This is supposed to show a rounded-edged container with a green left border 3px wide, and the child Text "This is a Container". However, it just shows a rounded-edged container with an invisible child and an invisible left border.

When I take out the borderRadius object, the child Text and the green left border is visible, but introducing it hides the left border and child Text again.

The major problem seems to be the custom left border, because using border: Border.all(width: 0) and borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10) makes the edges rounded as needed and also shows the child. But now I cant apply the green left border which is quite important in this particular setup.

So is there something I'm doing wrong, or is this a bug in flutter, or is it just something that is not allowed?

Thank you in advance.

Edit: The image below is the end result. The colors don't matter

This is how it should look

like image 601
Richard Avatar asked Oct 12 '19 02:10


People also ask

How do you put a border in a container in flutter?

Steps to add border to container in Flutter:Step 1: Go to the Container in which you want to add a border. Step 2: Add the decoration parameter and assign the BoxDecoration class. Inside the BoxDecoration add the parameter border and set it to Border. all().

How do I add a BorderRadius container?

Just Add decoration to your container. use BoxDecoration property in decoration. BoxDecoration has borderRadius Property. give specify border radius to your Container.

How do you use BorderRadius in flutter?

BorderRadius is a built-in widget in flutter. Its main functionality is to add a curve around the border-corner of a widget. There are in total of five ways in which we can use this widget, the first is by using BorderRadius. all, the radius for all the corners are the same here.

2 Answers

It's not possible to add border: and borderRadius: at the same time, you'll get this error:

A borderRadius can only be given for uniform borders.

You can achieve what you want using the borderRadius: and a boxShadow: instead of border: like this:

boxShadow: [   BoxShadow(color: Colors.green, spreadRadius: 3) ] 

Your sample code would be like this:

Container(   child: Text(     'This is a Container',     textScaleFactor: 2,     style: TextStyle(color: Colors.black),   ),   decoration: BoxDecoration(     borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10),     color: Colors.white,     boxShadow: [       BoxShadow(color: Colors.green, spreadRadius: 3),     ],   ),   height: 50, ), 

Edit: To achieve the example you now provided, you could do this:

Container(   padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 12.0),   decoration: BoxDecoration(     borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),     color: Colors.green,   ),   height: 50,   child: Container(     decoration: BoxDecoration(       borderRadius: BorderRadius.only(           topRight: Radius.circular(10.0),           bottomRight: Radius.circular(10.0)),       color: Colors.white,     ),     child: Text(       'This is a Container',       textScaleFactor: 2,       style: TextStyle(color: Colors.black),     ),   ), ), 

Another solution:

Container(   decoration: BoxDecoration(     borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),     color: Colors.white,   ),   height: 50,   child: Row(     mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,     children: <Widget>[       Container(         width: 12.0,         decoration: BoxDecoration(           borderRadius: BorderRadius.only(               topLeft: Radius.circular(10.0),               bottomLeft: Radius.circular(10.0)),           color: Colors.green,         ),       ),       Text(         'This is a Container',         textScaleFactor: 2,         style: TextStyle(color: Colors.black),       )     ],   ), ), 
like image 56
Pablo Barrera Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 20:10

Pablo Barrera

There are a couple ways to add a border to a Flutter widget. The most basic way is to wrap your widget in a DecoratedBox. However, the Container widget also has a DecoratedBox built in.

For output as above use a Stack instead of Row because of Stack allows us to make multiple widgets overlay each other and you can align or position your widget using the Align or Positioned widget.

 Container(   height: 65,   decoration: BoxDecoration(     borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10),     color: Colors.deepPurple.shade100,   ),   child: Stack(     children: <Widget>[       Container(         width: 8,          decoration: BoxDecoration(           borderRadius: BorderRadius.only(               topLeft: Radius.circular(15),               bottomLeft: Radius.circular(15)),           color: Colors.deepPurple,         ),       )     ],   ), ) 

enter image description here

like image 40
Paresh Mangukiya Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 21:10

Paresh Mangukiya