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Dart syntax highlighting is not highlighting dart code

I have installed dart(Syntax highlighting only) extension but it is not highlighting my dart code.I have restarted my VS code several times after installing extension but couldn't get this to work. Someone please let me know the issue and how can I resolve this.

Below is my VS code screenshot:



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Digvijay Avatar asked Jan 19 '19 23:01


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1 Answers

As mentioned in the comments, you don't need the "Syntax highlighting only" extension if you have the Dart one, since the Dart one includes the same syntax highlighting.

Based on your screenshot, it seems like syntax highlighting is working fine - I can see multiple colours. I think the issue is likely the VS Code theme you're using. Dark (Visual Studio) only shows limited colours - try changing it to Dark+ and you should see more colours.


Dark theme


Dark+ theme

To Change This Settings;

Setting Icon > Color Theme > Select Dark+ Configuration;

Change Theme Settings

Dark+ Configuration

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Danny Tuppeny Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 08:10

Danny Tuppeny