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Flutter DataTable - Tap on row

I am using Flutter DataTables to display list of items in cart. Now I want to edit the quantity of any selected row. Is there a way to get the information of the row user has tapped?

Following is complete code of my DataTable:

class _DataTableSampleState extends State<DataTableSample> {

  void _getSelectedRowInfo() {
    print('Selected Item Row Name Here...')

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text('DataTable Sample'),
      body: Container(
        child: DataTable(
          onSelectAll: (b) {},
          sortAscending: true,
          columns: <DataColumn>[
              label: Text('Item'),
              label: Text('Price'),
          rows: items
                (itemRow) => DataRow(
                      cells: [
                          showEditIcon: false,
                          placeholder: false,
                          showEditIcon: true,
                          placeholder: false,
                          onTap: _getSelectedRowInfo,

class ItemInfo {
  String itemName;
  String itemPrice;


var items = <ItemInfo>[
    itemName: 'Item A',
    itemPrice: '250',
    itemName: 'Item B',
    itemPrice: '100',
    itemName: 'Item C',
    itemPrice: '150',

When edit icon is clicked "_getSelectedRowInfo" method is called. I want to get complete detail of selected/tapped row in this function.

like image 763
Zain SMJ Avatar asked Nov 07 '18 13:11

Zain SMJ

2 Answers

you can use onSelectChanged property from DataRow.

rows: items
        (itemRow) => DataRow(
            onSelectChanged: (bool selected) {
                if (selected) {
                    log.add('row-selected: ${itemRow.index}');
            cells: [
                // ..
like image 183
Samuel Silva Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 00:10

Samuel Silva

Each DataCell has an onTap callback. You could use this without the unhideable checkbox appearing on your table rows. For example

      onTap: () {
// Your code here

This works for me. If you want the onTap to work for the entire DataRow instead of only a DataCell, you could just add the logic to the onTap of each DataCell and get the desired result.

like image 29
Aliyu Yisa Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 22:10

Aliyu Yisa