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Dark/Light theme assets qualifiers

I have a very simple requirement to use Light/Dark themed images. I expected that a qualifier like


or putting the image under a folder named Theme-Light


would work, and it did, but only in the designer mode. As soon as I run the app, even though the required theme is properly set (on both app and page level so all the other ThemeResources get loaded correctly), wrong image gets loaded.

I know about workarounds to load different images for different themes, so that's not what I'm looking for. I am curious to know why this approach with qualifiers doesn't work in runtime? Is there a different name qualifier that should be used?

I read this article: "How to name resources using qualifiers (XAML)" but it only shows how to name the assets with regards to high contrast support.

like image 524
Igor Ralic Avatar asked Mar 09 '16 17:03

Igor Ralic

1 Answers

This aproach isn't as convenient as qualifiers, but it works.

Define in App.xaml

        <ResourceDictionary x:Key="Light">
            <ImageSource x:Key="Logo">/Assets/Logo-White.png</ImageSource>

        <ResourceDictionary x:Key="Dark">
            <ImageSource x:Key="Logo">/Assets/Logo-Blue.png</ImageSource>

        <ResourceDictionary x:Key="HighContrast">
            <ImageSource x:Key="Logo">/Assets/Logo-White.png</ImageSource>

Then use

<Image Source="{ThemeResource Logo}"/>
like image 194
Dmitry Ponomarenko Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 08:11

Dmitry Ponomarenko