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Dapper. What Exceptions does conn.Execute throw?

I'm using dapper.net and I've wrapped connection.Execute for my Delete and Update statements.

public virtual void Update(TEntity entity)
    IDbConnection connection = connectionService.Connection;

    connection.Execute(UpdateQuery, entity, connectionService.Transaction);

When I've come to use this, I want to know if it fails or not by catching an exception(s) and not just a general Exception. Which (if any) exceptions are thrown? I would assume SqlException, but a previous manager taught me to assume nothing.

Can anybody point me in the right direction as to where I find this information?

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Jack Pettinger Avatar asked Jul 17 '15 12:07

Jack Pettinger

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What exceptions does dapper throw?

Dapper will indeed throw SqlException when used against a SqlConnection. The exceptions will be consistent with those that you will get from vanilla ADO.NET code. With a value that is the code of the specific SQL exception type. Dapper will indeed throw SqlException when used against a SqlConnection.

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1 Answers

Dapper will indeed throw SqlException when used against a SqlConnection.

The exceptions will be consistent with those that you will get from vanilla ADO.NET code. With a value that is the code of the specific SQL exception type.

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JDTLH9 Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 13:09