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Convert two arrays into one JSON object using Newtonsoft.Json

I have the arrays name[] and lastname[]. How do I combine and convert them into a JSON string? I want it to be in the following format. I need the "Employees" title in the JSON.

{ "Employees" : [
    {"name": "John", "lastname": "Coleman"},
    {"name": "Chip", "lastname": "Dale"},
    {"name": "Ann", "lastname": "Smith"},
    {"name": "Terry", "lastname": "Johnson"},
    {"name": "Mary", "lastname": "Loggins"},
    {"name": "Timothy", "lastname": "Lopez"},
    {"name": "Jessica", "lastname": "Brown"}

I need an efficient way to do this as the arrays have a lot of items in them. I actually have more than two arrays that I need to combine into a JSON object. For simplicity I demonstrated what I want with two. They all have the same number of items and are ordered. I do not want to iterate the arrays and construct the JSON string myself.


I forgot to mention that my arrays are IEnumerable<[]> both string and integer arrays. Here is what I tried the arrays are created in another class.

  public string[] Name {
                get{ return  (Employees ?? Enumerable.Empty<Employee> ()).Select (p => p.name).ToArray(); }

    public string[] Lastname {
                get{ return  (Employees ?? Enumerable.Empty<Employee> ()).Select (p => p.lastname).ToArray(); }

    public int[] Age {
                get{ return  (Employees ?? Enumerable.Empty<Employee> ()).Select (p => p.age).ToArray(); }

I then access them

var name = X.Select(s => s.Name).ToArray();
var lastname = X.Select(s => s.Lastname).ToArray();
var age = X.Select(s => s.Age).ToArray();

var employees = new { Employees = Enumerable.Range(0, name.Length).Select(i => new { name = name[i], lastname = lastname[i], age = age[i] }) };
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(employees, Formatting.Indented);

For some reason this returns something similar to

{"Employees":[{"name":["John","Chip","Ann","Terry"],"lastname":["Coleman","Dale","Smith","Johnson"],"age":[42, 26, 33, 24]}]}

where all the names, lastnames are all put together. How do I get the correct format?

like image 290
Carell Avatar asked Jul 03 '15 23:07


People also ask

How do you create a JSON object from two arrays?

To convert two arrays into a JSON object, we have used the forEach() method to iterate over the first array. we have used the index to get the element from the second array. On every iteration forEach() method will assign the key-value pair to a JSON object.

How do I combine two arrays of objects?

To combine two arrays into an array of objects, use map() from JavaScript.

How do I combine two JSON objects?

JSONObject to merge two JSON objects in Java. We can merge two JSON objects using the putAll() method (inherited from interface java.

Can a JSON file have multiple arrays?

JSON arrays can be of multiple data types. JSON array can store string , number , boolean , object or other array inside JSON array. In JSON array, values must be separated by comma. Arrays in JSON are almost the same as arrays in JavaScript.

1 Answers

You can combine them with Zip() into an anonymous type, then serialize that:

        string[] name = new string[] { "John", "Chip" };
        string[] lastname = new string[] { "Coleman", "Dale" };

        var employees = new { Employees = name.Zip(lastname, (n1, n2) => new { name = n1, lastname = n2 }) };
        var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(employees, Formatting.Indented);

Which outputs:

  "Employees": [
      "name": "John",
      "lastname": "Coleman"
      "name": "Chip",
      "lastname": "Dale"

For multiple arrays, it might be easier to use Enumerable.Range() to iterate through the arrays in parallel:

        string[] name = new string[] { "John", "Chip" };
        string[] lastname = new string[] { "Coleman", "Dale" };
        string[] title = new string[] { "Mr", "Dr" };
        string[] profession = new string[] { "Coder", "Doctor" };

        var employees2 = new { Employees = Enumerable.Range(0, name.Length).Select(i => new { title = title[i], name = name[i], lastname = lastname[i], profession = profession[i] }) };
        var json2 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(employees2, Formatting.Indented);


If your strings are in an IEnumerable<String[]>, you can convert that outer enumerable to an array then index into it. For instance, given the following test case:

        string[] name = new string[] { "John", "Chip" };
        string[] lastname = new string[] { "Coleman", "Dale" };
        string[] title = new string[] { "Mr", "Dr" };
        string[] profession = new string[] { "Coder", "Doctor" };

        IEnumerable<string[]> strings = new[] { title, name, lastname, profession };

You could do:

        var stringArray = strings.ToArray();

        var employees2 = new { Employees = Enumerable.Range(0, name.Length).Select(i => new { title = stringArray[0][i], name = stringArray[1][i], lastname = stringArray[2][i], profession = stringArray[3][i] }) };
        var json2 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(employees2, Formatting.Indented);

Which results in:

  "Employees": [
      "title": "Mr",
      "name": "John",
      "lastname": "Coleman",
      "profession": "Coder"
      "title": "Dr",
      "name": "Chip",
      "lastname": "Dale",
      "profession": "Doctor"

Update 2

If you actually have an enumeration of objects containing enumeration of employees, you can flatten them with Enumerable.SelectMany. For instance, given the following classes:

public class Employee
    public string name { get; set; }
    public string lastname { get; set; }
    public int age { get; set; }
    public string someMoreDataThatShouldNotBeSerialized { get; set; }

public class EmployeeContainer
    public IEnumerable<Employee> Employees { get; set; }

You could flatten them as follows:

        var X = GetAllEmployees();

        var employees = X.SelectMany(s => s.Employees ?? Enumerable.Empty<Employee>()).Select(e => new { name = e.name, lastname = e.lastname, age = e.age });
        var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(employees, Formatting.Indented);

Then the test setup

    public static IEnumerable<EmployeeContainer> GetAllEmployees()
        return new[] { 
            new EmployeeContainer { 
                Employees = 
                    new[] { 
                        new Employee { name = "John", lastname = "Coleman", age = 42, someMoreDataThatShouldNotBeSerialized = "someMoreData1" },
                        new Employee { name = "Chip", lastname = "Dale", age = 26, someMoreDataThatShouldNotBeSerialized = "someMoreData2" },
            new EmployeeContainer { 
                Employees = 
                    new[] { 
                        new Employee { name = "Ann", lastname = "Smith", age = 33, someMoreDataThatShouldNotBeSerialized = "someMoreData3" },
                        new Employee { name = "Terry", lastname = "Johnson", age = 24, someMoreDataThatShouldNotBeSerialized = "someMoreData4" }, 
            new EmployeeContainer()


    "name": "John",
    "lastname": "Coleman",
    "age": 42
    "name": "Chip",
    "lastname": "Dale",
    "age": 26
    "name": "Ann",
    "lastname": "Smith",
    "age": 33
    "name": "Terry",
    "lastname": "Johnson",
    "age": 24

Working fiddle.

like image 158
dbc Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09
