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Dagger 2 injecting two retrofit objects

I'm using Dagger 2 with retrofit2 library while using MVP. Everything went well till I tried to integrate another service (basically I tried to initialize another retrofit object to another service). I followed this answer but without any success.

Every time I'm getting an errors that each of my fragments and application classes don't seem to recognize the component classes.

error: cannot find symbol class DaggerApplicationComponent error: cannot find symbol class DaggerEpisodeComponent



@Component(modules = ApplicationModule.class)
public interface ApplicationComponent {

    Retrofit exposeStreamingRetrofit();

    Retrofit exposeRetrofit();

    Context exposeContext();

    AppPreferenceHelper exposePrefs();


Application Module

public class ApplicationModule
    private String mBaseUrl;
    private Context mContext;
    private AppPreferenceHelper mPrefsHelper;

    public ApplicationModule(Context context,String baseUrl)
        mContext = context;
        mBaseUrl = baseUrl;
        mPrefsHelper = new AppPreferenceHelper(context, Consts.PREF_NAME);

    GsonConverterFactory provideGsonConverterFactory()
        GsonConverterFactory gsonConverterFactory = GsonConverterFactory.create();
        return gsonConverterFactory;

    OkHttpClient provideOkHttpClient()

        HttpLoggingInterceptor logging = new HttpLoggingInterceptor();

        return new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
                .connectTimeout(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)

    RxJava2CallAdapterFactory provideRxJava2CallAdapterFactory()
        return RxJava2CallAdapterFactory.create();

    Retrofit provideRetrofit(@Named("ok-1") OkHttpClient client, GsonConverterFactory convectorFactory, RxJava2CallAdapterFactory adapterFactory)
        return new Retrofit.Builder()

    Retrofit provideStreamingRetrofit(@Named("ok-1") OkHttpClient client, GsonConverterFactory convectorFactory, RxJava2CallAdapterFactory adapterFactory) {
        return new Retrofit.Builder()

    Context provideContext()
        return mContext;

    AppPreferenceHelper provideAppPreferenceHelper(){
        return mPrefsHelper;



public interface StreamingService
    Observable<StreamingItems> getStreamingItems(@Query("keyword") String query);

Streaming Module @Module

public class StreamingModule
    private StreamingView mView;

    public StreamingModule(StreamingView view)
        mView = view;

    StreamingService provideStreamingService(Retrofit retrofit)
        return retrofit.create(StreamingService.class);

    StreamingView provideView()
        return mView;

    public void disposeView()
        mView = null;

Streaming component

@Component(modules = StreamingModule.class, dependencies = ApplicationComponent.class)
public interface StreamingComponent {
    void inject(StreamingFragment streamingFragment);

Streaming Presenter

public class StreamingPresenter extends BasePresenter<StreamingView>
    private long                    mMaxPagesOfTopSeries;

    protected StreamingService mApiService;

    protected Mapper                mTopSeriesMapper;

    protected AppPreferenceHelper   mPrefsHelper;

    public StreamingPresenter()
        mMaxPagesOfTopSeries = 1;


The problem might be connected to the exposing another instance of Retrofit in the component application class, but I'm not sure.

Update 1


@Component (modules = EpisodeModule.class, dependencies = ApplicationComponent.class)
public interface EpisodeComponent
    void inject(EpisodeFragment episodeFragment);

After I created the streaming classes (service, presenter, module, component) I didn't change anything in other classes so I think the problem is somewhere in Application module/component or streaming classes but I'm not sure because I might change the retrofit object for the other fragments because I added a new instance of retrofit for streaming.

like image 955
Anton Makov Avatar asked Jun 03 '18 13:06

Anton Makov

People also ask

Can you use multiple Baseurl in retrofit?

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Dagger automatically generates code that mimics the code you would otherwise have hand-written. Because the code is generated at compile time, it's traceable and more performant than other reflection-based solutions such as Guice. Note: Use Hilt for dependency injection on Android.

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So, for Dagger to figure out which variable is to be provided with what, we have to explicitly specify the identifier for it. Thus, @Qualifier is used to distinguish between objects of the same type but with different instances .

1 Answers

You are right the problem is the second exposed instance of Retrofit in application module.The solution is to use dagger qualifiers. Just replace appropriate code blocks with:

Define retrofit provider with qualifier @Named("streaming") in Application Module

Retrofit provideStreamingRetrofit(@Named("ok-1") OkHttpClient client, GsonConverterFactory convectorFactory, RxJava2CallAdapterFactory adapterFactory) {
    return new Retrofit.Builder()

Don't foreget to expose retrofit instance with exact same qualifier in Application Component

@Component(modules = ApplicationModule.class)
public interface ApplicationComponent {

    @Named("streaming") Retrofit exposeStreamingRetrofit();

    Retrofit exposeRetrofit();

    Context exposeContext();

    AppPreferenceHelper exposePrefs();


Whenever you need the streaming service retrofit instance - don't forget to set qualifier. Example in Streaming Module

StreamingService provideStreamingService(@Named("streaming") Retrofit retrofit) {
    return retrofit.create(StreamingService.class);
like image 152
Ilosqu Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 16:11
