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Android NDK throwing signal sigsegv: invalid address in debug mode

I implemented the android NDK recently to hide my app keys and secrets. Since I did that whenever I run my app in debug mode in android studio, my breakpoints get interrupted with sigsegv (signal sigsegv: invalid address (fault address: 0x8)). This occurs when any of my processes access the NDK at all. I'm baffled as to what's happening as I am very new with the NDK. My C code is extremely simple, and looks something like:

#include <jni.h>

Java_com_my_company_co_utilities_UtilFuncs_getSecretOne(JNIEnv *env, jobject instance) {
    return (*env)->  NewStringUTF(env, "my_secret_1");
Java_com_my_company_co_utilities_UtilFuncs_getSecretTwo(JNIEnv *env, jobject instance) {
    return (*env)->  NewStringUTF(env, "my_secret_2");
JJava_com_my_company_co_utilities_UtilFuncs_getKeyOne(JNIEnv *env, jobject instance) {
    return (*env)->  NewStringUTF(env, "my_key_1");

Java_com_my_company_co_utilities_UtilFuncs_getKeyTwo(JNIEnv *env, jobject instance) {

    return (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "my_key_2");

and I access it in my static UtilFuncs class like:

static {

    public static native String getSecretOne();

    public static String getSecret() {
            return getSecretOne();


It works perfectly when I run the app normally, but it has made debug unusable entirely because of these sigsegv: invalid address errors coming up when I'm trying to read watch variables. Anyone encounter this before or have any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Update: The error is not thrown on phones updated to Android 9, so my problem is resolved, but I still have no idea what was causing it in the first place. Would still be interested in any theories on the original cause.

like image 278
Ryan McCaffrey Avatar asked May 21 '18 15:05

Ryan McCaffrey

2 Answers

I discovered this thread when I experience the same: a SIGSEGV fault when running my app in the Android Studio (v3.2.1) debugger after adding NDK code. Running it without the debugger executes normally.

I have not found a solution, however I found a further clue.

After the debugger traps the SIGSEGV fault, open the breakpoints dialog. enter image description here

This shows an active breakpoint at 'libart.so: art_sigsegv_fault':

enter image description here

There appears to be some history of sigsegv faults in libart. I did not find any resolution. However, disabling this breakpoint did allow me to continue to debug my application (a work-around).

like image 74
gOnZo Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11


If you sure your C code always work fine, maybe you want to ignore error like this and debug in java. Change "Debug Configuration"-"Debug Type" from any to "Java Only"


like image 31
YC Wong Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11

YC Wong