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D3 v4 Update-Pattern for Groups

Given the following layout:

   ... // many nodes

How would a correct update pattern look like in d3 v4? What do I have to use as parameter in merge(?), how often do I have to call merge (only on node? node + circle + text ?)

I created an working example on fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/cvvfsg97/6/


function update(items) {
  node = nodeLayer.selectAll(".node")
    .data(items, function(d) { return d.id; })

  node = node.enter() // insert
    .attr("class", "node");

  node.append("circle") // insert
    .attr("r", 2.5)
    .attr('class', 'circle')
    .merge(nodeLayer.selectAll('.node > circle')) // is this correct?! // merge
    .attr('fill', 'red') // just for testing purposes
    .exit().remove(); // exit

  node.append("text") // insert
      .attr("dy", 3)
      .text(function(d) { return d.name; })
      .merge(nodeLayer.selectAll('.node > text')) // is this correct?! // merge
      .attr('fill', 'green')  // just for testing purposes

    node.merge(nodeLayer.selectAll('.node')) // is this correct?!  // merge 
    .attr('class', 'anotherClass')
    .exit().remove(); // does not work // exit

Could someone bring some clarity in terms of how to use enter(), merge(), exit() in groups?

I potentially like to do changes in every stage for every element.

Update: I simplified the example, I don't need links or a force-layout. My question is only about the update-pattern, not about forces. The updated jsfiddle does not have the force-layout.

like image 505
Frame91 Avatar asked Jan 13 '17 01:01


1 Answers

You are over complicating the pattern. Here's your update function written properly:

function update(items) {

  var node = nodeLayer.selectAll(".node") // bind the data, this is update
    .data(items, function(d) {
      return d.id;

  node.exit().remove(); // exit, remove the g

  nodeEnter = node.enter() // enter, append the g
    .attr("class", "node");

  nodeEnter.append("circle") // enter, append the circle on the g
    .attr("r", 2.5)
    .attr('class', 'circle')
    .attr('fill', 'red');

  nodeEnter.append("text") // enter, append the text on the g
    .attr("dy", 3)
    .text(function(d) {
      return d.name;
    .attr('fill', 'green');

  node = nodeEnter.merge(node); // enter + update on the g

  node.attr('transform', function(d){ // enter + update, position the g
    return 'translate(' + d.x + ',' + d.y + ')';

  node.select("text") // enter + update on subselection
    .text(function(d) {
      return d.name;


Here it is running with multiple calls:

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <script data-require="[email protected]" data-semver="4.0.0" src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script>

    var nodeLayer = d3.select('body')
        id: 1,
        name: 'A',
        x: Math.random() * 500,
        y: Math.random() * 500
        id: 2,
        name: 'B',
        x: Math.random() * 500,
        y: Math.random() * 500
        id: 3,
        name: 'C',
        x: Math.random() * 500,
        y: Math.random() * 500
          id: 1,
          name: 'A',
          x: Math.random() * 500,
          y: Math.random() * 500
          id: 4,
          name: 'This is a new name...',
          x: Math.random() * 500,
          y: Math.random() * 500
          id: 3,
          name: 'C',
          x: Math.random() * 500,
          y: Math.random() * 500
    }, 3000);
    function update(items) {
      var node = nodeLayer.selectAll(".node")
        .data(items, function(d) {
          return d.id;
      node.exit().remove(); // exit, remove the g

      nodeEnter = node.enter() // enter the g
        .attr("class", "node");
      nodeEnter.append("circle") // enter the circle on the g
        .attr("r", 2.5)
        .attr('class', 'circle')
        .attr('fill', 'red');

      nodeEnter.append("text") // enter the text on the g
        .attr("dy", 3)
        .attr('fill', 'green');
      node = nodeEnter.merge(node); // enter + update
      node.attr('transform', function(d){
        return 'translate(' + d.x + ',' + d.y + ')';
       .text(function(d) {
         return d.name;


like image 196
Mark Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 19:09
