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How to create progress bar for Owl Carousel 2?

Official older link for Owl 1 progress bar doesn't even work anymore but I have found working example but also for Owl 1.

I have tried to use the code but I am not able to set it to work with Owl 2 http://codepen.io/anon/pen/GrgEaG

$(document).ready(function() {

  var time = 7; // time in seconds

  var $progressBar,

    //Init the carousel
      items: 1,
      initialized : progressBar,
      translate : moved,
      drag : pauseOnDragging

    //Init progressBar where elem is $("#owl-demo")
    function progressBar(elem){
      $elem = elem;
      //build progress bar elements
      //start counting

    //create div#progressBar and div#bar then prepend to $("#owl-demo")
    function buildProgressBar(){
      $progressBar = $("<div>",{
      $bar = $("<div>",{

    function start() {
      //reset timer
      percentTime = 0;
      isPause = false;
      //run interval every 0.01 second
      tick = setInterval(interval, 10);

    function interval() {
      if(isPause === false){
        percentTime += 1 / time;
           width: percentTime+"%"
        //if percentTime is equal or greater than 100
        if(percentTime >= 100){
          //slide to next item 

    //pause while dragging 
    function pauseOnDragging(){
      isPause = true;

    //moved callback
    function moved(){
      //clear interval
      //start again

    //uncomment this to make pause on mouseover 
    // $elem.on('mouseover',function(){
    //   isPause = true;
    // })
    // $elem.on('mouseout',function(){
    //   isPause = false;
    // })


  width: 0%;
  max-width: 100%;
  height: 4px;
  background: #7fc242;
  width: 100%;
  background: #EDEDED;
like image 473
Marko Avatar asked Jan 05 '17 09:01


People also ask

How do you add transitions to Owl carousel?

Use transitionStyle option to set transtion. There are four predefined transitions: "fade" , "backSlide" , goDown and scaleUp . You can also build your own transition styles easily. For example by adding "YourName" value transitionStyle: "YourName" , owlCarousel will add .

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Responsive Owl-carousel Slider [Source Codes] First, you need to create two Files one HTML File and another one is CSS File. After creating these files just paste the following codes in your file. First, create an HTML file with the name of index. html and paste the given codes in your HTML file.

1 Answers

the callback functions are not being fired because you're calling them on events that don't exist in owlCarousel 2. The events are prefixed with 'on'.

So if you call them like this:

  items: 1,
  onInitialized : progressBar,
  onTranslate : moved,
  onDrag : pauseOnDragging

The functions will be called. Check the owlCarousel event docs here.

Check out this CodePen for an example progressbar in OwlCarousel using CSS transitions.

like image 200
Gert-Jan Kooijmans Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09

Gert-Jan Kooijmans