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D3 using classed() to add and remove class with checkbox

I am having trouble removing a class that I have added using a checkbox. The checkbox is checked to begin with. When it is unchecked by the user it adds a "hideRect" class with classed('hideRect', true); this works great BUT when I check the box again the class doesn't go away.

Here is my code:

    .attr('type', 'checkbox')
    .attr('checked', true)
    .attr('value', 'med')
    .on('click', () => this.updateRectLine());

private updateRectLine() {

  //var rect = this.$node.getElementsByClassName('.MEDICATION');
  var cbMed = this.$node.attr("checked");
  if (cbMed !== true){
      this.$node.selectAll(".MEDICATION").classed('hideRect', true);

  else if (cbMed == true){
      this.$node.selectAll(".MEDICATION").classed('hideRect', false);


thanks in advance!

like image 988
Sockness_Rogers Avatar asked Jul 03 '17 19:07


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1 Answers

You need to update the below function like this

private updateRectLine() { 
  var cbMed = this.$node.select("input[type='checkbox']").prop("checked");
  if (!cbMed)
    this.$node.selectAll(".MEDICATION").classed('hideRect', true);
    this.$node.selectAll(".MEDICATION").classed('hideRect', false);

.attr() function only returns the value the checkbox was initialized to, to check for a checkbox's check state, you want to use property checked present on check box elements

like image 134
Meme Composer Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09

Meme Composer