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D: How to exit from main?

What it the D way to terminate/exit main function?

import std.stdio;
import core.thread;

void main()
    int i;
    while (i <= 5)
        core.thread.Thread.sleep( dur!("seconds")(1) );
    if (i == 5) 
        return; // I need terminate main, but it's look like break do exit only from scope
    readln(); // it's still wait a user input, but I need exit from App in previous step

I tried to googling and found next question D exit statement there is suggestion to use C exit function. Is there any new futures in modern D, that are allow to do it's more elegant?

like image 320
Dmitry Bubnenkov Avatar asked Jan 08 '23 09:01

Dmitry Bubnenkov

2 Answers

If you are not doing an emergency exit then you want to clean up everything. I created an ExitException for this purpose:

class ExitException : Exception
    int rc;

    @safe pure nothrow this(int rc, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__)
        super(null, file, line);
        this.rc = rc;

You code your main() function then like

int main(string[] args)
        // Your code here
    catch (ExitException e)
        return e.rc;
    return 0;

At the point where you need to exit you call

throw new ExitException(1);
like image 157
Kai Nacke Avatar answered Jan 31 '23 19:01

Kai Nacke

Import stdlib and call exit while passing 0.

 import std.c.stdlib;
like image 22
Sreejith Nair Avatar answered Jan 31 '23 19:01

Sreejith Nair