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CypressError: Timed out retrying: cy.click() failed because this element is detached from the DOM

The dropdown basically takes long to get load itself once the back end response is received. If I put a wait of around 8 seconds, then it works. But, don't want to hard code the wait here. Any idea as what might be going wrong? I couldn't identify the css as well.

        cy.get('mat-option > span').then(option => {
            if (option.get(0).textContent === 'Loading...') {

cy.containsCaseInsensitive(value, 'mat-option').first().scrollIntoView().debug().click();

The error log -

CypressError: Timed out retrying: cy.click() failed because this element is detached from the DOM.

<mat-option _ngcontent-gcj-c21="" class="mat-option ng-star-inserted" role="option" ng-reflect-value="[object Object]" tabindex="0" id="mat-option-104" aria-disabled="false" style="">...</mat-option>

Cypress requires elements be attached in the DOM to interact with them.

The previous command that ran was:

  > cy.debug()

This DOM element likely became detached somewhere between the previous and current command.

Common situations why this happens:
  - Your JS framework re-rendered asynchronously
  - Your app code reacted to an event firing and removed the element

You typically need to re-query for the element or add 'guards' which delay Cypress from running new commands.

like image 897
infinite Avatar asked Nov 13 '19 08:11


2 Answers

I did face same issue keeping cypress to wait for some time till page is loaded solved the issue of detached element


like image 51
user2302453 Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 13:10


Maybe a late answer but can be useful for others with the same issue,sometimes using the Cypress jQuery wrapper can be a good idea.

like image 26
Moise Scalzo Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 14:10

Moise Scalzo