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CX_Oracle - import data from Oracle to Pandas dataframe


I'm new in python and I want import some data from a Oracle Database to python (pandas dataframe) using this simple query

SELECT*                  FROM TRANSACTION                 WHERE DIA_DAT >=to_date('15.02.28 00:00:00',  'YY.MM.DD HH24:MI:SS')                 AND (locations <> 'PUERTO RICO'                 OR locations <> 'JAPAN')                 AND CITY='LONDON' 

What I did

import cx_Oracle ip = 'XX.XX.X.XXX' port = YYYY SID = 'DW' dsn_tns = cx_Oracle.makedsn(ip, port, SID)  connection = cx_Oracle.connect('BA', 'PASSWORD', dsn_tns)  df_ora = pd.read_sql('SELECT* FROM TRANSACTION WHERE DIA_DAT>=to_date('15.02.28 00:00:00',  'YY.MM.DD HH24:MI:SS') AND (locations <> 'PUERTO RICO' OR locations <> 'JAPAN') AND CITY='LONDON'', con=connection)   

But I have this error

SyntaxError: invalid syntax 

What did I do wrong?


like image 447
Kardu Avatar asked Mar 03 '16 19:03


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1 Answers

You need to properly quote your SQL Query. If you look at the syntax highlighting in your question (or an IDE), you'll notice that the single quotes aren't working as you expect.

Change the outer most quotes to double quotes - if you want it all on one line - or triple quotes if you want it across multiple lines:

query = """SELECT*             FROM TRANSACTION            WHERE DIA_DAT >=to_date('15.02.28 00:00:00',  'YY.MM.DD HH24:MI:SS')            AND (locations <> 'PUERTO RICO'            OR locations <> 'JAPAN')            AND CITY='LONDON'""" df_ora = pd.read_sql(query, con=connection) 
like image 83
Andy Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09
