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custom scrollable tab bar on top iOS

I have a question about implementing a custom scrollable tab bar at the top of the screen in an iOS app. I am looking for a a tab bar very similar to the vevo app (pictured below). I have checked out this scrolling tab bar ( https://github.com/vermontlawyer/JFATabBarController ), but would like to move it to the top, and it seems to be glitchy when I edit the source code...I am assuming I can not use a standard tabbarcontroller for this but must make a custom tab bar....correct? How would I go about creating a custom scrolling tab bar at the top of the screen?

Thank you very much for any feedback!

vevo tab screen 1vevo tab screen 2

like image 452
user3708224 Avatar asked Oct 08 '14 15:10


2 Answers

this project may help you: https://github.com/Marxon13/M13InfiniteTabBar but you need

Consist in a infinite UITabBar with a UIScrollView embedded in it ;) and it can be configure to put the tabbar in top of screen.

enter image description here

Hope it helps!

like image 143
Carlos Jiménez Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 21:10

Carlos Jiménez

Basically, you'd do something like the following:

@class CustomTabBar;

@protocol CustomTabBarDatasource <NSObject>
- (int)numberOfElementsInCustomTabBar:(CustomTabBar *)bar;
- (NSString *)titleForTabAtIndex:(int)index inCustomTabBar:(CustomTabBar *)bar;

@protocol CustomTabBarDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)customTabBar:(CustomTabBar *)bar activatedTabAtIndex:(int)index;

@interface CustomTabBar : UIView
@property (weak) id<CustomTabBarDataSource> dataSource;
@property (weak) id<CustomTabBarDelegate> delegate;

@interface YourViewController : UIViewController {
  CustomTabBar *myTabBar;

@interface YourViewController (TabBarDataSource) <CustomTabBarDataSource>

@interface YourViewController (TabBarDelegate) <CustomTabBarDelegate>

The implementation for your CustomTabBar would include a UIScrollView and a set of UIButtons, whose title you would retrieve from the dataSource. When a button is fired, you'd call the delegate's customTabBar:activatedTabAtIndex: method. Your YourViewController would change its content when the delegate method fires.

like image 30
Ian MacDonald Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 22:10

Ian MacDonald