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Custom group box not binding to bindingsource

I need to bind a GroupBox to a BindingSource, which in turn is bound to the following object:

public class CustomerType
    public int Id {get; set;}
    public string Name {get; set;}
    public MemberType MemberType {get; set;}

public enum MemberType {Adult, Child}

I followed this answer to create a custom GroupBox. I also set the data bindings as follows:

groupBoxMemberType.DataBindings.Add("Selected", this.bindingSource, "MemberType");

However, when loading an existing object, I get the following exception:

DataBinding cannot find a row in the list that is suitable for all bindings.

The exception occurs when setting the data source:

customerType = customerTypeRequest.Load(id);
bindingSource.DataSource = customerType;  //raises exception

What am I missing? Is there an alternative to get radio buttons to bind to a datasource, specifically a BindingSource?

like image 507
Ivan-Mark Debono Avatar asked Apr 16 '15 11:04

Ivan-Mark Debono

1 Answers

This is the changed code:

public class RadioGroupBox : GroupBox
    #region events

    [Description("Occurs when the selected value changes.")]
    public event SelectedChangedEventHandler SelectedChanged;

    public class SelectedChangedEventArgs : EventArgs
        public int Selected { get; private set; }

        internal SelectedChangedEventArgs(int selected)
            this.Selected = selected;
    public delegate void SelectedChangedEventHandler(object sender, SelectedChangedEventArgs e);


    private int selected;

    [Bindable(BindableSupport.Yes, BindingDirection.TwoWay)]
    [Description("The selected value associated with this control."), Category("Data")]
    public int Selected
        get { return selected; }
            int val = 0;
            var radioButton = this.Controls.OfType<RadioButton>()
                .FirstOrDefault(radio =>
                    radio.Tag != null
                   && int.TryParse(radio.Tag.ToString(), out val) && val == value);

            if (radioButton != null)
                radioButton.Checked = true;
                selected = val;

    protected override void OnControlAdded(ControlEventArgs e)

        var radioButton = e.Control as RadioButton;
        if (radioButton != null)
            radioButton.CheckedChanged += radioButton_CheckedChanged;

    protected void OnSelectedChanged(SelectedChangedEventArgs e)
        if (SelectedChanged != null)
            SelectedChanged(this, e);

    private void radioButton_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var radio = (RadioButton)sender;
        int val = 0;
        if (radio.Checked && radio.Tag != null
             && int.TryParse(radio.Tag.ToString(), out val))
            selected = val;
            OnSelectedChanged(new SelectedChangedEventArgs(selected));

Further to setting the Tag property to the corresponding int value of the enum, you need to subscribe to the SelectedChanged event in your form, eg:

private void radioGroupBoxMemberType_SelectedChanged(object sender, SelectedChangedEventArgs e)
    customerType.MemberType = (MemberType)e.Selected;

Improvements to this class would be:

  1. Inherit from RadioButton and use a new property instead of the Tag property.

  2. Access and set the bindingsource property directly in the control to avoid subscribing to the event.

like image 179
Ivan-Mark Debono Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 04:10

Ivan-Mark Debono