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Custom console log function, a console.log wrapper

function log( msgOrObj ){
            'message': msgOrObj,
            'caller': arguments.callee.caller.toString()

So, I have attempted to write a simple custom console log function (as above). However I am struggling to find which file and line the caller came from. The most I can see is the function that called it.

Has anyone done anything similar? Or is this even possible?

example used in somescript.js from line 70:

log('some very important message!')
like image 948
John Avatar asked Dec 11 '13 16:12


People also ask

How do you wrap a console log?

Type it and press Ctrl+Alt+W + W . Another way to console. log your variables is to simply place your mouse cursor on them and then wrap them on the line below with Ctrl+Alt+W + Down or the line above with Ctrl+Alt+W + Up .

How do you write a function in console log?

Syntax: console. log(A); Parameters: It accepts a parameter which can be an array, an object or any message.

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log() function from console class of Node. js is used to display the messages on the console. It prints to stdout with newline. Parameter: This function contains multiple parameters which are to be printed.

How do you assign a console log to a variable?

If you want to do this to an object that has been already logged (one time thing), chrome console offers a good solution. Hover over the printed object in the console, right click, then click on "Store as Global Variable". Chrome will assign it to a temporary var name for you which you can use in the console.

1 Answers

Yes but it's very hacky and not cross browser-safe. You can use this as a starting point. It borrows from this answer.

window.trace = function stackTrace() {
    var err = new Error();
    return err.stack;

window.my_log = function (x) {
    var line = trace();
    var lines = line.split("\n");
    console.log(x + " " + lines[2].substring(lines[2].indexOf("("), lines[2].lastIndexOf(")") + 1))

window.my_log("What light through yonder window breaks?")


What light through yonder window breaks? (<anonymous>:2:42) 
like image 92
Joe Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 03:10
