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JavaScript library for logic programming [closed]

Do you know of any good javascript library for logic programming?

I'm interested in something like jsprolog, but I want to use javascript to communicate with the lib, and not a different language (such as prolog in this case).

Many thanks.

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ivo Avatar asked Sep 28 '11 15:09


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What is logic programming in JavaScript?

js is a constraint logic programming library for JavaScript. It is an implementation of the Constraint Handling Rules programming language. There are several JavaScript implementations of Datalog such as DataScript. Yield Prolog allows Prolog programs to be embedded directly in JavaScript.

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As we've said, JavaScript libraries are used to perform specific functions. There are around 83 of them, each created to serve some purpose, and we are going to cover some of their usability in this section.

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A JavaScript library is a library of pre-written JavaScript code that allows for easier development of JavaScript-based applications, especially for AJAX and other web-centric technologies.

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Google polymer. Created by Google, Polymer is a JS library that allows developers to reuse HTML elements and create custom elements using HTML, CSS, and JS to create more interactive applications. It is compatible with different platforms.

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1 Answers

In addition to jsprolog, there are several JavaScript libraries for logic programming:

  • chr.js is a constraint logic programming library for JavaScript. It is an implementation of the Constraint Handling Rules programming language.

  • There are several JavaScript implementations of Datalog such as DataScript.

  • Yield Prolog allows Prolog programs to be embedded directly in JavaScript. This is especially useful because it allows JavaScript functions to be used in Prolog predicates, and vice-versa.

  • LogicJS is a JavaScript library that is based on MiniKanRen, which has been implemented in many programming languages, including JavaScript.

  • JavaScript-Logic-Programming-System is another logic programming system for JavaScript.

  • There is another Prolog implementation that was written in less than 200 lines of JavaScript code.

Of course, there are also several C++ libraries for logic programming that could be automatically ported into JavaScript using Emscripten.

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Anderson Green Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 18:11

Anderson Green