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Custom Component injected into table row




I have a table that is created in one componentA that has several table-row elements in the table. I then have another componentB that just has several table-row elements that will be reused throughout the app in the template code. The issue is that when using componentB inside of the table of componentA the table-row elements are not spanning the entire width of the table and seem to be broken outside of the table.

I have found references to several other similar issues, but they are using dynamic rows based on data that is passed in for each row. My issue is that I have a fixed set of rows that will be used throughout the app. I tried using the following examples:

--- componentA
 <tr componentB></tr> --- does not work

--- componentB --- selector: '[componentB]'
<tr><td>Phone Number</td></tr>

--- componentA
 <componentB></componentB> --- does not work

--- componentB --- selector: 'componentB'
<tr><td>Phone Number</td></tr>

Here is an example stackblitz of exactly the problem: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-ydsgaz

The elements in componentB should span the width of the table just like a normal element used in componentA, but they are not. Any help would be great!

ANSWER: either one of the following examples will work for this scenario

  • content-projection: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-dr6fqs

  • template reference (my preferred way): https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-qgxzhv

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mlangwell Avatar asked Jun 05 '19 20:06


1 Answers

Use angular content projection. You just have to add a directive selector to table body. app.component.html

  <tbody app-table-rows>

and then in table-rows.component.html add ng-content element. Angular will replace this ng-content element with content inside directive host element.

  <td>[email protected]</td>

Working example https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-dr6fqs

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Andriy Lozynskiy Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 09:10

Andriy Lozynskiy