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Custom command not working

In my XAML I have this:

    <CommandBinding Command="Help"
   Executed="HelpExecuted" />

<MenuItem Header="Help" Command="Help" />

This works fine. So when I click the context menu, HelpExecuted() gets called.

Now I want to do the same again except use a custom command instead of the Help command. So what I do is:

public RoutedCommand MyCustomCommand = new RoutedCommand();

and change my XAML to:

    <CommandBinding Command="MyCustomCommand"
   Executed="HelpExecuted" />

<MenuItem Header="Help" Command="MyCustomCommand" />

But i get the error: Cannot convert string 'MyCustomCommand' in attribute 'Command' to object of type 'System.Windows.Input.ICommand'. CommandConverter cannot convert from System.String.

What am I missing here? And please note that I want to do it all in XAML, i.e. don't want to use CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(MyCustomCommand....

like image 375
Bob Avatar asked Dec 03 '10 15:12


People also ask

How do I create a custom command in Linux?

Linux operating system allows users to create commands and execute them over the command line. To create a command in Linux, the first step is to create a bash script for the command. The second step is to make the command executable. Here, bashrc means run the Bash file.

What are custom commands?

A custom command is a voice command that you create yourself to allow Dragon to perform an action. These commands allow you to automate repetitive text entry and graphics insertion tasks, like logos and scanned signatures, while working in virtually any Windows application.

1 Answers

Oops, sorry, was a bit fast to post my original answer. I now see that the problem is not with the type but with the CommandBinding. You need to use a markup extension to resolve the command name. I usually make my commands static in their declaration like this:

namespace MyApp.Commands
    public class MyApplicationCommands
        public static RoutedUICommand MyCustomCommand 
                               = new RoutedUICommand("My custom command", 

And in the XAML:

<UserControl x:Class="..."
    <CommandBinding Command="{x:Static commands:MyApplicationCommands.MyCustomCommand}"
    Executed="HelpExecuted" />

You need to bring in the namespace of the containing class by using xmlns. I called it 'commands' in my example above.

Original post below:

Try changing the type of the command to RoutedUICommand. The constructor is a bit different:

public RoutedUICommand MyCustomCommand 
             = new RoutedUICommand("Description", "Name", typeof(ContainingClass));
like image 162
René Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09
