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Custom class clusters in Swift

This is a relatively common design pattern:


It allows you to return a subclass from your init calls.

I'm trying to figure out the best method of achieving the same thing using Swift.

I do know that it is very likely that there is a better method of achieving the same thing with Swift. However, my class is going to be initialized by an existing Obj-C library which I don't have control over. So it does need to work this way and be callable from Obj-C.

Any pointers would be very much appreciated.

like image 834
James Billingham Avatar asked Jun 03 '14 11:06

James Billingham

3 Answers

I don't believe that this pattern can be directly supported in Swift, because initialisers do not return a value as they do in Objective C - so you do not get an opportunity to return an alternate object instance.

You can use a type method as an object factory - a fairly contrived example is -

class Vehicle
    var wheels: Int? {
      get {
        return nil

    class func vehicleFactory(wheels:Int) -> Vehicle
        var retVal:Vehicle

        if (wheels == 4) {
        else if (wheels == 18) {
        else {

        return retVal


class Car:Vehicle
    override var wheels: Int {
      get {
       return 4

class Truck:Vehicle
    override var wheels: Int {
      get {
          return 18


let c=Vehicle.vehicleFactory(4)     // c is a Car

println(c.wheels)                   // outputs 4

let t=Vehicle.vehicleFactory(18)    // t is a truck

println(t.wheels)                   // outputs 18
like image 167
Paulw11 Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 07:10


The "swifty" way of creating class clusters would actually be to expose a protocol instead of a base class.

Apparently the compiler forbids static functions on protocols or protocol extensions.

Until e.g. https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/pull/247 (factory initializers) is accepted and implemented, the only way I could find to do this is the following:

import Foundation

protocol Building {
    func numberOfFloors() -> Int

func createBuilding(numberOfFloors numFloors: Int) -> Building? {
    switch numFloors {
    case 1...4:
        return SmallBuilding(numberOfFloors: numFloors)
    case 5...20:
        return BigBuilding(numberOfFloors: numFloors)
    case 21...200:
        return SkyScraper(numberOfFloors: numFloors)
        return nil

private class BaseBuilding: Building {
    let numFloors: Int

    init(numberOfFloors:Int) {
        self.numFloors = numberOfFloors

    func numberOfFloors() -> Int {
        return self.numFloors

private class SmallBuilding: BaseBuilding {

private class BigBuilding: BaseBuilding {

private class SkyScraper: BaseBuilding {


// this sadly does not work as static functions are not allowed on protocols.
//let skyscraper = Building.create(numberOfFloors: 200)
//let bigBuilding = Building.create(numberOfFloors: 15)
//let smallBuilding = Building.create(numberOfFloors: 2)

// Workaround:
let skyscraper = createBuilding(numberOfFloors: 200)
let bigBuilding = createBuilding(numberOfFloors: 15)
let smallBuilding = createBuilding(numberOfFloors: 2)
like image 31
stefreak Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 08:10


Since init() doesn't return values like -init does in Objective C, using a factory method seems like the easiest option.

One trick is to mark your initializers as private, like this:

class Person : CustomStringConvertible {
    static func person(age: UInt) -> Person {
        if age < 18 {
            return ChildPerson(age)
        else {
            return AdultPerson(age)

    let age: UInt
    var description: String { return "" }

    private init(_ age: UInt) {
        self.age = age

extension Person {
    class ChildPerson : Person {
        let toyCount: UInt

        private override init(_ age: UInt) {
            self.toyCount = 5


        override var description: String {
            return "\(self.dynamicType): I'm \(age). I have \(toyCount) toys!"

    class AdultPerson : Person {
        let beerCount: UInt

        private override init(_ age: UInt) {
            self.beerCount = 99


        override var description: String {
            return "\(self.dynamicType): I'm \(age). I have \(beerCount) beers!"

This results in the following behavior:

Person.person(10) // "ChildPerson: I'm 10. I have 5 toys!"
Person.person(35) // "AdultPerson: I'm 35. I have 99 beers!"
Person(35) // 'Person' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers
Person.ChildPerson(35) // 'Person.ChildPerson' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers

It's not quite as nice as Objective C, since private means all the subclasses need to be implemented in the same source file, and there's that the minor syntax difference Person.person(x) (or Person.create(x) or whatever) instead of simply Person(x), but practically speaking, it works the same.

To be able to instantiate literally as Person(x), you could turn Person into a proxy class which contains a private instance of the actual base class and forwards everything to it. Without message forwarding, this works for simple interfaces with few properties/methods but it gets unwieldy for anything more complex :P

like image 1
jrc Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 08:10
