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How to fill color inside UIBezierPath?

I draw a shape by UIBezierPath in touchesMoved.

-(void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];
    secondPoint = firstPoint;
    firstPoint = [touch previousLocationInView:self];
    currentPoint = [touch locationInView:self];

    CGPoint mid1 = midPoint(firstPoint, secondPoint);
    CGPoint mid2 = midPoint(currentPoint, firstPoint);

    [bezierPath moveToPoint:mid1]; 
    [bezierPath addQuadCurveToPoint:mid2 controlPoint:firstPoint];

    [self setNeedsDisplay]; 

I want to fill RED color inside it after closePath but can't. Please help!

- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
    UIColor *fillColor = [UIColor redColor];
    [fillColor setFill];
    UIColor *strokeColor = [UIColor blueColor];
    [strokeColor setStroke];
    [bezierPath closePath];
    [bezierPath fill];
    [bezierPath stroke]; 
like image 960
LE SANG Avatar asked Mar 12 '13 10:03


1 Answers

If you have a bezier path stored elsewhere, this should work:


Looking at your edited code, what is happening is that as you are closing the path that you are drawing is getting closed - so you get a line, not a shape since you have only two points.

One way around this is to create the path as your points move, but stroke and fill a copy of that path. For example this is untested code, I'm writing it straight in

-(void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];
    secondPoint = firstPoint;
    firstPoint = [touch previousLocationInView:self];
    currentPoint = [touch locationInView:self];

    CGPoint mid1 = midPoint(firstPoint, secondPoint);
    CGPoint mid2 = midPoint(currentPoint, firstPoint);

    [bezierPath moveToPoint:mid1]; 
    [bezierPath addQuadCurveToPoint:mid2 controlPoint:firstPoint];

    // pathToDraw is an UIBezierPath * declared in your class
    pathToDraw = [[UIBezierPath bezierPathWithCGPath:bezierPath.CGPath];

    [self setNeedsDisplay]; 

And then your drawing code can:

- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
    UIColor *fillColor = [UIColor redColor];
    [fillColor setFill];
    UIColor *strokeColor = [UIColor blueColor];
    [strokeColor setStroke];

    // This closes the copy of your drawing path.
    [pathToDraw closePath];

    // Stroke the path after filling it so that you can see the outline
    [pathToDraw fill]; // this will fill a closed path
    [pathToDraw stroke]; // this will stroke the outline of the path.


There is some tidying up to do an touchesEnded and this could be made more performant, but you get the idea.

like image 177
Abizern Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 07:11
