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Custom AutoCompleteTextView behavior

Out of the box, the AutoCompleteTextView widget does not seem to be able to match the input string in the middle of a list value - the matches are always made at the beginning; e.g., entering "ar" matches "argentina", but not "hungary".

How can I search for the text in the middle of the word ? Can anyone give me an idea ?

Thanks in advance !

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Chrishan Avatar asked Jan 27 '12 11:01


People also ask

What is AutoCompleteTextView?

Android AutoCompleteTextView is an editable text view which shows a list of suggestions when user starts typing text. When a user starts typing, a dropdown menu will be there based on the entered characters, defined in the threshold limit and the user can choose an item from the list to replace the text.

Which properties can control type of character in AutoCompleteTextView control *?

XML attributes Defines the number of characters that the user must type before completion suggestions are displayed in a drop down menu.

Which method is used for filling the data to AutoCompleteTextView?

The setAdapter method is used to set the adapter of the autoCompleteTextView.

What is used of setThreshold () method?

What is used of setThreshold () method? setThreshold(int threshold): This method is used to set threshold value that help us to start the searching from a specific character.

3 Answers

public class AutoCompleteAdapter <T> extends ArrayAdapter<T> implements Filterable {
    private List <T> listObjects;
    List<T> suggestions = new ArrayList<>();
    private Context context;
    public AutoCompleteAdapter(Context context, List<T> listObjects) {
        super(context, R.layout.list_item_simple, listObjects);
        this.listObjects = new ArrayList<>(listObjects);
        this.context = context;
    private Filter mFilter = new Filter(){
        protected FilterResults performFiltering(CharSequence constraint) {
            FilterResults filterResults = new FilterResults();
            if(constraint != null) {
                for(T object : listObjects){  
                    if(object.toString().toLowerCase().contains(constraint.toString().toLowerCase())){                        suggestions.add(object);

            filterResults.values = suggestions;
            filterResults.count = suggestions.size();
        return filterResults;

    protected void publishResults(CharSequence constraint, FilterResults results) {
        if(results == null){
        List<T> filteredList = (List<T>) results.values;
        if(results.count > 0) {
            for (T filteredObject : filteredList) {
public Filter getFilter() {
    return mFilter;
private static class ViewHolder {
    TextView title;
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
    Object listObject = getItem(position);
    final ViewHolder viewHolder; // view lookup cache stored in tag
    if (convertView == null) {
        viewHolder = new ViewHolder();
        LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(getContext());
        convertView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.list_item_simple, parent, false);
        viewHolder.title = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(R.id.title);
    } else {
        viewHolder = (ViewHolder) convertView.getTag();
    return convertView;


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sdelvalle57 Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 22:10


You would need to write a custom Filter class and implement the performFiltering method yourself. This method takes a CharSequence argument, which you can use to perform whatever String operations you need in order to generate a list of matches from your dataset (in your case, you could use String.contains instead of String.startsWith). The performFiltering function is not run on the UI thread.

You then return your list of matches as a FilterResults object, which contains an Object values (your list of matches, probably an ArrayList) and an int count which is the size of your list of matches.

Finally, implement the publishResults callback method, which returns once the worker thread has generated the list of matches, allowing you to call notifyDataSetChanged on your AutoCompleteTextView's adapter so that it can display the results.

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Victor Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 22:10


Old question, but still relevant. Following the guidance of a few other questions implemented a custom adapter using filterable. I made a simple generic adapter that searches with contains. Quick notes on it:

I'm using butterknife, but easy to do the viewHolder with findviewbyid.

The layout R.layout.list_item_simple is a simple layout with the textview R.id.text_view_simple.

The object needs a toString that will be compared.

public class SimpleContainsAutocompleteAdapter <T> extends ArrayAdapter<T> implements Filterable {
    private List <T> listObjects;
    List<T> suggestions = new ArrayList<>();
    private int resource;

    private Filter mFilter = new Filter(){
        protected FilterResults performFiltering(CharSequence constraint) {
            FilterResults filterResults = new FilterResults();

            if(constraint != null) {
                for(T object : listObjects){

                filterResults.values = suggestions;
                filterResults.count = suggestions.size();

            return filterResults;

        protected void publishResults(CharSequence contraint, FilterResults results) {
            if(results == null){

            List<T> filteredList = (List<T>) results.values;
            if(results.count > 0) {
                for (T filteredObject : filteredList) {

    public SimpleContainsAutocompleteAdapter(Context context, List<T> listObjects) {
        super(context, R.layout.list_item_simple, listObjects);
        this.listObjects = new ArrayList<>(listObjects);
        this.resource = R.layout.list_item_simple;

    public Filter getFilter() {
        return mFilter;

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        Object listObject = getItem(position);
        viewHolder holder;
        if(convertView != null) {
            holder = (viewHolder) convertView.getTag();
            convertView = LayoutInflater.from(getContext()).inflate(resource, parent, false);
            holder = new viewHolder(convertView);


        return convertView;

    static class viewHolder {
        @InjectView(R.id.text_view_simple) TextView name;

        public viewHolder(View view) {
            ButterKnife.inject(this, view);
like image 6
Ryan C Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 21:10

Ryan C