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custom attribute works only with element.getAttribute("attribute") but not "element.attribute"

I have just noticed, that if I give a custom attribute to an html element, for example:

<input type="button" id="my_button" custom_attr="custom_attr_text" value="value_text" />

then i can retrieve it like this:


and it will return "custom_attr_text", but if I do


then it returns undefined!

I also noticed that with a built in attribute (for example value or id) both of the above works fine! Could somebody please explain why is this happening?

like image 502
Isti115 Avatar asked Feb 21 '13 19:02


1 Answers

Only certain standard attributes are directly mapped to properties. This is not the defined behavior for non-standard (custom) attributes.

The forward compatible way of using custom attributes is to prefix them with data-.

<input ... data-custom_attr="custom_attr_text" ... />

Then they become available in HTML5 compliant browsers as:


But in legacy browsers, you'll still need to use .getAttribute().

like image 97
the system Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 05:10

the system