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AngularJS - Route - How to match star (*) as a path

I'm making a resource viewer app, but the problem is that i tried to match when("/!/:resourceUrl").

It works fine if the resource url is something like /path, but how can I make something like a /path/to/the/resource.
I don't know how much paths will it take, so I can't do .when("/!/:path1/:path2/:path3").

Any ideas?

like image 202
Diestrin Avatar asked Oct 02 '12 05:10


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1 Answers

As of angular-1.2 you can do this:



In particular the documentation gives the following example:

For example, routes like /color/:color/largecode/:largecode*\/edit will match /color/brown/largecode /code/with/slashs/edit and extract:

  • color: brown
  • largecode: code/with/slashs
like image 146
user2524758 Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 12:10
