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curl : (1) Protocol https not supported or disabled in libcurl

Got the answer HERE for windows, it says there that:

curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/api/twittervnext/tweet'

Woops, first try and already an error:

curl: (1) Protocol 'http not supported or disabled in libcurl

The reason for this error is kind of stupid, Windows doesn’t like it when you are using single quotes for commands. So the correct command is:

curl –XPUT "http://localhost:9200/api/twittervnext/tweet"

I ran into this problem and turned out that there was a space before the https which was causing the problem. " https://" vs "https://"

Looks like there are so many Answers already but the issue I faced was with double quotes. There is a difference in between:



Changing the 1 st double quote to the second worked for me, below is the sample curl:

curl -X PUT -u xxx:xxx -T test.txt "https://test.com/test/test.txt"

I encountered the same problem while trying to install rvm for ruby. found the solution: after extracting curl (tar) in downloads folder of root.

cd /root/Downloads/curl # step-1
./configure --with-ssl # step-2
make # step-3
make install # step-4 (if not root, use sudo before command)


In my case, HTTPS protocol was not supported by libcurl at the first place. To find out which protocols are supported and which are not, I checked the curl version using command:

curl --version

It provided information as follows: curl 7.50.3 (x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0) libcurl/7.50.3 SecureTransport zlib/1.2.5 Protocols: dict file ftp ftps gopher http imap imaps ldap ldaps pop3 pop3s rtsp smb smbs smtp smtps telnet tftp Features: IPv6 Largefile NTLM NTLM_WB SSL libz UnixSockets

where https protocol happens to be not supported.

Then I re-installed curl and installed it using the following commands(after unpacked):

./configure --with-darwinssl (enable ssl communication in mac) make make test sudo make install

And after several minutes of work, Problems resolved!

Then I re-run the curl version command, it showed:

curl 7.50.3 (x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0) libcurl/7.50.3 SecureTransport zlib/1.2.5 Protocols: dict file ftp ftps gopher http https imap imaps ldap ldaps pop3 pop3s rtsp smb smbs smtp smtps telnet tftp Features: IPv6 Largefile NTLM NTLM_WB SSL libz UnixSockets

HTTPS protocol showed up!

Finally, a useful site to refer when you run into curl problems. https://curl.haxx.se/docs/install.html

I solve it just by changing 'http://webname...' to "http://webname..."

Notice the quote. It should be double (") instead of single (').