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Add querystring parameters to link_to

People also ask

How do I pass QueryString?

To pass in parameter values, simply append them to the query string at the end of the base URL. In the above example, the view parameter script name is viewParameter1.

How do I add a parameter to a query link?

Query parameters are a defined set of parameters attached to the end of a url. They are extensions of the URL that are used to help define specific content or actions based on the data being passed. To append query params to the end of a URL, a '? ' Is added followed immediately by a query parameter.

What is QueryString parameter?

What are query string parameters? Query string parameters are extensions of a website's base Uniform Resource Locator (URL) loaded by a web browser or client application. Originally query strings were used to record the content of an HTML form or web form on a given page.

Can we use QueryString with post method?

A POST request can include a query string, however normally it doesn't - a standard HTML form with a POST action will not normally include a query string for example.

The API docs on link_to show some examples of adding querystrings to both named and oldstyle routes. Is this what you want?

link_to can also produce links with anchors or query strings:

link_to "Comment wall", profile_path(@profile, :anchor => "wall")
#=> <a href="/profiles/1#wall">Comment wall</a>

link_to "Ruby on Rails search", :controller => "searches", :query => "ruby on rails"
#=> <a href="/searches?query=ruby+on+rails">Ruby on Rails search</a>

link_to "Nonsense search", searches_path(:foo => "bar", :baz => "quux")
#=> <a href="/searches?foo=bar&amp;baz=quux">Nonsense search</a>

If you want the quick and dirty way and don't worry about XSS attack, use params.merge to keep previous parameters. e.g.

<%= link_to 'Link', params.merge({:per_page => 20}) %>

see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/4174493/445908

Otherwise , check this answer: params.merge and cross site scripting

If you want to keep existing params and not expose yourself to XSS attacks, be sure to clean the params hash, leaving only the params that your app can be sending:

# inline
<%= link_to 'Link', params.slice(:sort).merge(per_page: 20) %>


If you use it in multiple places, clean the params in the controller:

# your_controller.rb
@params = params.slice(:sort, :per_page)

# view
<%= link_to 'Link', @params.merge(per_page: 20) %>

In case you want to pass in a block, say, for a glyphicon button, as in the following:

<%= link_to my_url, class: "stuff" do %>
  <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-inbox></i> Nice glyph-button
<% end %>

Then passing querystrings params could be accomplished through:

<%= link_to url_for(params.merge(my_params: "value")), class: "stuff" do %>
  <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-inbox></i> Nice glyph-button
<% end %>